OpenZeppelin SDK is not being actively developed. We recommend using Upgrades Plugins instead. For more information, see Building for interoperability: why we’re focusing on Upgrades Plugins.

Publishing an Ethereum Package

In Using Dependencies, we showed how to use the oz link command to use the OpenZeppelin Contracts Ethereum Package as a dependency, taking advantage of its contracts being already deployed on the blockchain.

In this guide we’ll describe how you can create your own Ethereum Package, and make it available to everyone via the OpenZeppelin CLI.

This guide features advanced usage of OpenZeppelin tools, and requires familiarity with using public networks, upgradeable contracts, and the OpenZeppelin CLI.

For a refresher on the topics, head to Deploying to a Public Test Network and Upgrades.

Storing Your Project On-chain

So far, we’ve mostly limited ourselves to depoying contracts using oz create, which creates upgradeable instances by deploying proxies to an existing implementation contract (refer to How Upgrades Work to brush up on this). Here, we will instead deploy just the implementations, so that other people can create new proxies pointing to them.

To achieve this, we’ll use two low-level CLI commands: oz add and oz push. These work simmilarly to git add and git push: they will register contracts in your project and deploy them to a network.

In your OpenZeppelin project, run:

$ npx oz add
? Pick which contracts you want to add <contract-1>, <contract-2>
✓ Added contract <contract-1>
✓ Added contract <contract-2>
All the selected contracts have been added to the project
$ npx oz push
? Pick a network mainnet
✓ Contract <contract-1> deployed
✓ Contract <contract-2> deployed
All contracts have been deployed
For your Ethereum Pacakge to be used by others, it needs to be deployed on a real network instead of a local one. Take a look at Deploying to a Public Test Network for detailed instructions for this process.

Ethereum Packages are upgradeable, which means they track the different implementation contracts that correspond to each version of the package. We’ll use the oz publish command for this, which will deploy an App contract and register the implementations there:

$ npx oz publish
? Pick a network mainnet
✓ Project structure deployed
✓ Registering <contract-1> at 0x2c2eB5B599C2C4Bb2cA7e43179585aFec0D97D51 in directory
✓ Registering <contract-2> at 0x6389e6409Ad106aF5e7e6bE8D95Fca637980fB63 in directory
✓ Published to mainnet!

The Ethereum Package is complete! But we’re still lacking something: a convenient way to tell people about its existence.

Distributing With npm

For your Ethereum Package to usable from other projects, it needs to be published on the npm registry. If you havent’t published an npm package before, go ahead and sign up for a free npm account.

First, add your contract sources, compiled artifacts and OpenZeppelin project files to your package by including the following entries in your project’s package.json:

 // package.json
   "files": [
+    "build",
+    "contracts",
+    ".openzeppelin/*.json"
The files in your .openzeppelin directory that should not be tracked in version control are not required to be part of your published npm package: remove them before publishing to the registry.

Almost done! Log into npm and upload your package with:

$ npm login
$ npm publish

Success! The Ethereum Package is now live on the blockchain, and accessible to everyone via the npm registry.

Any OpenZeppelin project can now link to your package:

$ npx oz link <your-project-name>
Your Ethereum Package’s name is the same one you provided during initialization.