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This directory includes primitives for financial systems:

  • PaymentSplitter allows to split Ether and ERC20 payments among a group of accounts. The sender does not need to be aware that the assets will be split in this way, since it is handled transparently by the contract. The split can be in equal parts or in any other arbitrary proportion.

  • VestingWallet handles the vesting of Ether and ERC20 tokens for a given beneficiary. Custody of multiple tokens can be given to this contract, which will release the token to the beneficiary following a given, customizable, vesting schedule.



import "@openzeppelin/contracts/finance/PaymentSplitter.sol";

This contract allows to split Ether payments among a group of accounts. The sender does not need to be aware that the Ether will be split in this way, since it is handled transparently by the contract.

The split can be in equal parts or in any other arbitrary proportion. The way this is specified is by assigning each account to a number of shares. Of all the Ether that this contract receives, each account will then be able to claim an amount proportional to the percentage of total shares they were assigned. The distribution of shares is set at the time of contract deployment and can’t be updated thereafter.

PaymentSplitter follows a pull payment model. This means that payments are not automatically forwarded to the accounts but kept in this contract, and the actual transfer is triggered as a separate step by calling the release function.

This contract assumes that ERC20 tokens will behave similarly to native tokens (Ether). Rebasing tokens, and tokens that apply fees during transfers, are likely to not be supported as expected. If in doubt, we encourage you to run tests before sending real value to this contract.

constructor(address[] payees, uint256[] shares_) public

Creates an instance of PaymentSplitter where each account in payees is assigned the number of shares at the matching position in the shares array.

All addresses in payees must be non-zero. Both arrays must have the same non-zero length, and there must be no duplicates in payees.

receive() external

The Ether received will be logged with PaymentReceived events. Note that these events are not fully reliable: it’s possible for a contract to receive Ether without triggering this function. This only affects the reliability of the events, and not the actual splitting of Ether.

To learn more about this see the Solidity documentation for fallback functions.

totalShares() → uint256 public

Getter for the total shares held by payees.

totalReleased() → uint256 public

Getter for the total amount of Ether already released.

totalReleased(contract IERC20 token) → uint256 public

Getter for the total amount of token already released. token should be the address of an IERC20 contract.

shares(address account) → uint256 public

Getter for the amount of shares held by an account.

released(address account) → uint256 public

Getter for the amount of Ether already released to a payee.

released(contract IERC20 token, address account) → uint256 public

Getter for the amount of token tokens already released to a payee. token should be the address of an IERC20 contract.

payee(uint256 index) → address public

Getter for the address of the payee number index.

releasable(address account) → uint256 public

Getter for the amount of payee’s releasable Ether.

releasable(contract IERC20 token, address account) → uint256 public

Getter for the amount of payee’s releasable token tokens. token should be the address of an IERC20 contract.

release(address payable account) public

Triggers a transfer to account of the amount of Ether they are owed, according to their percentage of the total shares and their previous withdrawals.

release(contract IERC20 token, address account) public

Triggers a transfer to account of the amount of token tokens they are owed, according to their percentage of the total shares and their previous withdrawals. token must be the address of an IERC20 contract.

PayeeAdded(address account, uint256 shares) event

PaymentReleased(address to, uint256 amount) event

ERC20PaymentReleased(contract IERC20 indexed token, address to, uint256 amount) event

PaymentReceived(address from, uint256 amount) event


import "@openzeppelin/contracts/finance/VestingWallet.sol";

This contract handles the vesting of Eth and ERC20 tokens for a given beneficiary. Custody of multiple tokens can be given to this contract, which will release the token to the beneficiary following a given vesting schedule. The vesting schedule is customizable through the vestedAmount function.

Any token transferred to this contract will follow the vesting schedule as if they were locked from the beginning. Consequently, if the vesting has already started, any amount of tokens sent to this contract will (at least partly) be immediately releasable.

constructor(address beneficiaryAddress, uint64 startTimestamp, uint64 durationSeconds) public

Set the beneficiary, start timestamp and vesting duration of the vesting wallet.

receive() external

The contract should be able to receive Eth.

beneficiary() → address public

Getter for the beneficiary address.

start() → uint256 public

Getter for the start timestamp.

duration() → uint256 public

Getter for the vesting duration.

released() → uint256 public

Amount of eth already released

released(address token) → uint256 public

Amount of token already released

releasable() → uint256 public

Getter for the amount of releasable eth.

releasable(address token) → uint256 public

Getter for the amount of releasable token tokens. token should be the address of an IERC20 contract.

release() public

Release the native token (ether) that have already vested.

Emits a EtherReleased event.

release(address token) public

Release the tokens that have already vested.

Emits a ERC20Released event.

vestedAmount(uint64 timestamp) → uint256 public

Calculates the amount of ether that has already vested. Default implementation is a linear vesting curve.

vestedAmount(address token, uint64 timestamp) → uint256 public

Calculates the amount of tokens that has already vested. Default implementation is a linear vesting curve.

_vestingSchedule(uint256 totalAllocation, uint64 timestamp) → uint256 internal

Virtual implementation of the vesting formula. This returns the amount vested, as a function of time, for an asset given its total historical allocation.

EtherReleased(uint256 amount) event

ERC20Released(address indexed token, uint256 amount) event