
This crate provides miscellaneous components and libraries containing utility functions to handle common tasks.



use openzeppelin::utils;

Module containing core utilities of the library.


try_selector_with_fallback(target: ContractAddress, selector: felt252, fallback: felt252, args: Span<felt252>) → SyscallResult<Span<felt252>> function

Tries to call a given selector on a given contract, and if it fails, tries to call a fallback selector.

It was designed for falling back to the camelCase selector for backward compatibility in the case of a failure of the snake_case selector.

Returns a SyscallResult with the result of the successful call.

Note that:

  • If the first call succeeds, the second call is not attempted.

  • If the first call fails with an error different than ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND, the error is returned without falling back to the second selector.

  • If the first call fails with ENTRYPOINT_NOT_FOUND, the second call is attempted, and if it fails its error is returned.

The fallback mechanism won’t work on live chains (mainnet or testnets) until they implement panic handling in their runtime.


UnwrapAndCast trait

Trait for exposing an unwrap_and_cast function to SyscallResult objects. This may be useful when unwrapping a syscall result to a type implementing the Serde trait, and you want to avoid the boilerplate of casting and unwrapping the result multiple times.

Usage example:

use openzeppelin::utils::selectors;
use openzeppelin::utils::UnwrapAndCast;

fn call_and_cast_to_bool(target: ContractAddress, args: Span<felt252>) -> bool {
        target, selectors::has_role, selectors::hasRole, args

fn call_and_cast_to_felt252(target: ContractAddress, args: Span<felt252>) -> felt252 {
        target, selectors::get_role_admin, selectors::getRoleAdmin, args

Note that it can be automatically casted to any type implementing the Serde trait.

Inner modules

cryptography module

deployments module

math module

selectors module

serde module


use openzeppelin::utils::cryptography;

Module containing utilities related to cryptography.

Inner modules

Inner modules


use openzeppelin::utils::deployments;

Module containing utility functions for calculating contract addresses through deploy_syscall and the Universal Deployer Contract (UDC).


DeployerInfo(caller_address: ContractAddress, udc_address: ContractAddress) struct

Struct containing arguments necessary in utils::calculate_contract_address_from_udc for origin-dependent deployment calculations.


calculate_contract_address_from_deploy_syscall(salt: felt252, class_hash: ClassHash, constructor_calldata: Span<felt252>, deployer_address: ContractAddress) → ContractAddress function

Returns the contract address when passing the given arguments to deploy_syscall.

compute_hash_on_elements(mut data: Span<felt252>) → felt252 function

Creates a Pedersen hash chain with the elements of data and returns the finalized hash.

calculate_contract_address_from_udc(salt: felt252, class_hash: ClassHash, constructor_calldata: Span<felt252>, deployer_info: Option<DeployerInfo>) → ContractAddress function

Returns the calculated contract address for UDC deployments.

Origin-independent deployments (deployed from zero) should pass Option::None as deployer_info.

Origin-dependent deployments hash salt with caller_address (member of DeployerInfo) and pass the hashed salt to the inner deploy_syscall as the contract_address_salt argument.


use openzeppelin::utils::math;

Module containing math utilities.



average(a: T, b: T) → T function

Returns the average of two values. The result is rounded down.

T is a generic value matching different numeric implementations.


use openzeppelin::utils::selectors;

Module containing constants matching multiple selectors used through the library. To see the full list of selectors, see selectors.cairo.


use openzeppelin::utils::serde;

Module containing utilities related to serialization and deserialization of Cairo data structures.



SerializedAppend trait

Importing this trait allows the ability to append a serialized representation of a Cairo data structure already implementing the Serde trait to a felt252 buffer.

Usage example:

use openzeppelin::utils::serde::SerializedAppend;
use starknet::ContractAddress;

fn to_calldata(recipient: ContractAddress, amount: u256) -> Array<felt252> {
    let mut calldata = array![];

Note that the append_serde method is automatically available for arrays of felts, and it accepts any data structure that implements the Serde trait.



use openzeppelin::utils::cryptography::nonces::NoncesComponent;

This component provides a simple mechanism for handling incremental nonces for a set of addresses. It is commonly used to prevent replay attacks when contracts accept signatures as input.

Embeddable Implementations
Internal Implementations

Embeddable functions

nonces(self: @ContractState, owner: ContractAddress) → felt252 external

Returns the next unused nonce for an owner.

Internal functions

use_nonce(ref self: ComponentState, owner: ContractAddress) → felt252 internal

Consumes a nonce, returns the current value, and increments nonce.

For each account, the nonce has an initial value of 0, can only be incremented by one, and cannot be decremented or reset. This guarantees that the nonce never overflows.

use_checked_nonce(ref self: ComponentState, owner: ContractAddress, nonce: felt252) → felt252 internal

Same as use_nonce but checking that nonce is the next valid one for owner.


use openzeppelin::utils::snip12;

Supports on-chain generation of message hashes compliant with SNIP12.

For a full walkthrough on how to use this module, see the SNIP12 and Typed Messages guide.