
This crate provides components to implement account contracts that can be used for interacting with the network.



use openzeppelin_account::interface::ISRC6;

Interface of the SRC6 Standard Account as defined in the SNIP-6.



__execute__(calls: Array<Call>) → Array<Span<felt252>> external

Executes the list of calls as a transaction after validation.

Returns an array with each call’s output.

The Call struct is defined in corelib.

__validate__(calls: Array<Call>) → felt252 external

Validates a transaction before execution.

Returns the short string 'VALID' if valid, otherwise it reverts.

is_valid_signature(hash: felt252, signature: Array<felt252>) → felt252 external

Validates whether a signature is valid or not for the given message hash.

Returns the short string 'VALID' if valid, otherwise it reverts.


use openzeppelin_account::AccountComponent;

Account component implementing ISRC6 for signatures over the Starknet curve.

Implementing SRC5Component is a requirement for this component to be implemented.

Embeddable functions

__execute__(self: @ContractState, calls: Array<Call>) → Array<Span<felt252>> external

__validate__(self: @ContractState, calls: Array<Call>) → felt252 external

is_valid_signature(self: @ContractState, hash: felt252, signature: Array<felt252>) → felt252 external

__validate_declare__(self: @ContractState, class_hash: felt252) → felt252 external

Validates a Declare transaction.

Returns the short string 'VALID' if valid, otherwise it reverts.

__validate_deploy__(self: @ContractState, class_hash: felt252, contract_address_salt: felt252, public_key: felt252) → felt252 external

Returns the short string 'VALID' if valid, otherwise it reverts.

get_public_key(self: @ContractState) → felt252 external

Returns the current public key of the account.

set_public_key(ref self: ContractState, new_public_key: felt252, signature: Span<felt252>) external

Sets a new public key for the account. Only accessible by the account calling itself through __execute__.


  • The caller must be the contract itself.

  • The signature must be valid for the new owner.

Emits both an OwnerRemoved and an OwnerAdded event.

The message to be signed is computed in Cairo as follows:

let message_hash = PoseidonTrait::new()
        .update_with('StarkNet Message')

isValidSignature(self: @ContractState, hash: felt252, signature: Array<felt252>) → felt252 external

getPublicKey(self: @ContractState) → felt252 external

setPublicKey(ref self: ContractState, newPublicKey: felt252, signature: Span<felt252>) external

Internal functions

initializer(ref self: ComponentState, public_key: felt252) internal

Initializes the account with the given public key, and registers the ISRC6 interface ID.

Emits an OwnerAdded event.

assert_only_self(self: @ComponentState) internal

Validates that the caller is the account itself. Otherwise it reverts.

assert_valid_new_owner(self: @ComponentState, current_owner: felt252, new_owner: felt252, signature: Span<felt252>) internal

Validates that new_owner accepted the ownership of the contract through a signature.


  • signature must be valid for the new owner.

This function assumes that current_owner is the current owner of the contract, and does not validate this assumption.

validate_transaction(self: @ComponentState) → felt252 internal

Validates a transaction signature from the global context.

Returns the short string 'VALID' if valid, otherwise it reverts.

_set_public_key(ref self: ComponentState, new_public_key: felt252) internal

Set the public key without validating the caller.

Emits an OwnerAdded event.

The usage of this method outside the set_public_key function is discouraged.

_is_valid_signature(self: @ComponentState, hash: felt252, signature: Span<felt252>) → bool internal

Validates the provided signature for the hash, using the account’s current public key.


OwnerAdded(new_owner_guid: felt252) event

Emitted when a public_key is added.

OwnerRemoved(removed_owner_guid: felt252) event

Emitted when a public_key is removed.


use openzeppelin_account::eth_account::EthAccountComponent;

Account component implementing ISRC6 for signatures over the Secp256k1 curve.

Implementing SRC5Component is a requirement for this component to be implemented.
The EthPublicKey type is an alias for starknet::secp256k1::Secp256k1Point.

Embeddable functions

__execute__(self: @ContractState, calls: Array<Call>) → Array<Span<felt252>> external

__validate__(self: @ContractState, calls: Array<Call>) → felt252 external

is_valid_signature(self: @ContractState, hash: felt252, signature: Array<felt252>) → felt252 external

__validate_declare__(self: @ContractState, class_hash: felt252) → felt252 external

Validates a Declare transaction.

Returns the short string 'VALID' if valid, otherwise it reverts.

__validate_deploy__(self: @ContractState, class_hash: felt252, contract_address_salt: felt252, public_key: EthPublicKey) → felt252 external

Returns the short string 'VALID' if valid, otherwise it reverts.

get_public_key(self: @ContractState) → EthPublicKey external

Returns the current public key of the account.

set_public_key(ref self: ContractState, new_public_key: EthPublicKey, signature: Span<felt252>) external

Sets a new public key for the account. Only accessible by the account calling itself through __execute__.


  • The caller must be the contract itself.

  • The signature must be valid for the new owner.

Emits both an OwnerRemoved and an OwnerAdded event.

The message to be signed is computed in Cairo as follows:

let message_hash = PoseidonTrait::new()
        .update_with('StarkNet Message')

isValidSignature(self: @ContractState, hash: felt252, signature: Array<felt252>) → felt252 external

getPublicKey(self: @ContractState) → EthPublicKey external

setPublicKey(ref self: ContractState, newPublicKey: EthPublicKey, signature: Span<felt252>) external

Internal functions

initializer(ref self: ComponentState, public_key: EthPublicKey) internal

Initializes the account with the given public key, and registers the ISRC6 interface ID.

Emits an OwnerAdded event.

assert_only_self(self: @ComponentState) internal

Validates that the caller is the account itself. Otherwise it reverts.

assert_valid_new_owner(self: @ComponentState, current_owner: EthPublicKey, new_owner: EthPublicKey, signature: Span<felt252>) internal

Validates that new_owner accepted the ownership of the contract through a signature.


  • The signature must be valid for the new_owner.

This function assumes that current_owner is the current owner of the contract, and does not validate this assumption.

validate_transaction(self: @ComponentState) → felt252 internal

Validates a transaction signature from the global context.

Returns the short string 'VALID' if valid, otherwise it reverts.

_set_public_key(ref self: ComponentState, new_public_key: EthPublicKey) internal

Set the public key without validating the caller.

Emits an OwnerAdded event.

The usage of this method outside the set_public_key function is discouraged.

_is_valid_signature(self: @ComponentState, hash: felt252, signature: Span<felt252>) → bool internal

Validates the provided signature for the hash, using the account’s current public key.


The guid is computed as the hash of the public key, using the poseidon hash function.

OwnerAdded(new_owner_guid: felt252) event

Emitted when a public_key is added.

OwnerRemoved(removed_owner_guid: felt252) event

Emitted when a public_key is removed.



use openzeppelin_account::extensions::src9::ISRC9_V2;

Interface of the SRC9 Standard as defined in the SNIP-9.



execute_from_outside_v2(outside_execution: OutsideExecution, signature: Span<felt252>,) → Array<Span<felt252>> external

Allows anyone to submit a transaction on behalf of the account as long as they have the relevant signatures.

This method allows reentrancy. A call to __execute__ or execute_from_outside_v2 can trigger another nested transaction to execute_from_outside_v2 thus the implementation MUST verify that the provided signature matches the hash of outside_execution and that nonce was not already used.

The implementation should expect version to be set to 2 in the domain separator.


  • outside_execution - The parameters of the transaction to execute.

  • signature - A valid signature on the SNIP-12 message encoding of outside_execution.

is_valid_outside_execution_nonce(nonce: felt252) → bool external

Get the status of a given nonce. true if the nonce is available to use.


use openzeppelin_account::extensions::SRC9Component;

OutsideExecution component implementing ISRC9_V2.

This component is signature-agnostic, meaning it can be integrated into any account contract, as long as the account implements the ISRC6 interface.
Internal Implementations

Embeddable functions

execute_from_outside_v2(ref self: ContractState, outside_execution: OutsideExecution, signature: Span<felt252>) → Array<Span<felt252>> external

Allows anyone to submit a transaction on behalf of the account as long as they have the relevant signatures.

This method allows reentrancy. A call to __execute__ or execute_from_outside_v2 can trigger another nested transaction to execute_from_outside_v2. This implementation verifies that the provided signature matches the hash of outside_execution and that nonce was not already used.


  • outside_execution - The parameters of the transaction to execute.

  • signature - A valid signature on the SNIP-12 message encoding of outside_execution.


  • The caller must be the outside_execution.caller unless 'ANY_CALLER' is used.

  • The current time must be within the outside_execution.execute_after and outside_execution.execute_before span.

  • The outside_execution.nonce must not be used before.

  • The signature must be valid.

is_valid_outside_execution_nonce(self: @ContractState, nonce: felt252) → bool external

Returns the status of a given nonce. true if the nonce is available to use.

Internal functions

initializer(ref self: ComponentState) internal

Initializes the account by registering the ISRC9_V2 interface Id.



use openzeppelin_presets::AccountUpgradeable;

Upgradeable account contract leveraging AccountComponent.


Embedded Implementations
External Functions


constructor(ref self: ContractState, public_key: felt252) constructor

Sets the account public_key and registers the interfaces the contract supports.

External functions

upgrade(ref self: ContractState, new_class_hash: ClassHash) external

Upgrades the contract to a new implementation given by new_class_hash.


  • The caller is the account contract itself.

  • new_class_hash cannot be zero.


use openzeppelin_presets::EthAccountUpgradeable;

Upgradeable account contract leveraging EthAccountComponent.

The EthPublicKey type is an alias for starknet::secp256k1::Secp256k1Point.


Embedded Implementations
External Functions


constructor(ref self: ContractState, public_key: EthPublicKey) constructor

Sets the account public_key and registers the interfaces the contract supports.

External functions

upgrade(ref self: ContractState, new_class_hash: ClassHash) external

Upgrades the contract to a new implementation given by new_class_hash.


  • The caller is the account contract itself.

  • new_class_hash cannot be zero.