
Decentralized protocols are in constant evolution from the moment they are publicly released. Often, the initial team retains control of this evolution in the first stages, but eventually delegates it to a community of stakeholders. The process by which this community makes decisions is called on-chain governance, and it has become a central component of decentralized protocols, fueling varied decisions such as parameter tweaking, smart contract upgrades, integrations with other protocols, treasury management, grants, etc.

This governance protocol is generally implemented in a special-purpose contract called “Governor”. In OpenZeppelin Contracts for Cairo, we set out to build a modular system of Governor components where different requirements can be accommodated by implementing specific traits. You will find the most common requirements out of the box, but writing additional ones is simple, and we will be adding new features as requested by the community in future releases.

Usage and setup


The voting power of each account in our governance setup will be determined by an ERC20 or an ERC721 token. The token has to implement the VotesComponent extension. This extension will keep track of historical balances so that voting power is retrieved from past snapshots rather than current balance, which is an important protection that prevents double voting.

If your project already has a live token that does not include Votes and is not upgradeable, you can wrap it in a governance token by using a wrapper. This will allow token holders to participate in governance by wrapping their tokens 1-to-1.

The library currently does not include a wrapper for tokens, but it will be added in a future release.
Currently, the clock mode is fixed to block timestamps, since the Votes component uses the block timestamp to track checkpoints. We plan to add support for more flexible clock modes in Votes in a future release, allowing to use, for example, block numbers instead.


We will initially build a Governor without a timelock. The core logic is given by the GovernorComponent, but we still need to choose:

1) how voting power is determined,

2) how many votes are needed for quorum,

3) what options people have when casting a vote and how those votes are counted, and

4) the execution mechanism that should be used.

Each of these aspects is customizable by writing your own extensions, or more easily choosing one from the library.

For 1) we will use the GovernorVotes extension, which hooks to an IVotes instance to determine the voting power of an account based on the token balance they hold when a proposal becomes active. This module requires the address of the token to be passed as an argument to the initializer.

For 2) we will use GovernorVotesQuorumFraction. This works together with the IVotes instance to define the quorum as a percentage of the total supply at the block when a proposal’s voting power is retrieved. This requires an initializer parameter to set the percentage besides the votes token address. Most Governors nowadays use 4%. Since the quorum denominator is 1000 for precision, we initialize the module with a numerator of 40, resulting in a 4% quorum (40/1000 = 0.04 or 4%).

For 3) we will use GovernorCountingSimple, an extension that offers 3 options to voters: For, Against, and Abstain, and where only For and Abstain votes are counted towards quorum.

For 4) we will use GovernorCoreExecution, an extension that allows proposal execution directly through the governor.

Another option is GovernorTimelockExecution. An example can be found in the next section.

Besides these, we also need an implementation for the GovernorSettingsTrait defining the voting delay, voting period, and proposal threshold. While we can use the GovernorSettings extension which allows to set these parameters by the governor itself, we will implement the trait locally in the contract and set the voting delay, voting period, and proposal threshold as constant values.

voting_delay: How long after a proposal is created should voting power be fixed. A large voting delay gives users time to unstake tokens if necessary.

voting_period: How long does a proposal remain open to votes.

These parameters are specified in the unit defined in the token’s clock, which is for now always timestamps.

proposal_threshold: This restricts proposal creation to accounts who have enough voting power.

An implementation of GovernorComponent::ImmutableConfig is also required. For the example below, we have used the DefaultConfig. Check the Immutable Component Config guide for more details.

The last missing step is to add an SNIP12Metadata implementation used to retrieve the name and version of the governor.

mod MyGovernor {
    use openzeppelin_governance::governor::GovernorComponent::InternalTrait as GovernorInternalTrait;
    use openzeppelin_governance::governor::extensions::GovernorVotesQuorumFractionComponent::InternalTrait;
    use openzeppelin_governance::governor::extensions::{
        GovernorVotesQuorumFractionComponent, GovernorCountingSimpleComponent,
    use openzeppelin_governance::governor::{GovernorComponent, DefaultConfig};
    use openzeppelin_introspection::src5::SRC5Component;
    use openzeppelin_utils::cryptography::snip12::SNIP12Metadata;
    use starknet::ContractAddress;

    pub const VOTING_DELAY: u64 = 86400; // 1 day
    pub const VOTING_PERIOD: u64 = 432_000; // 1 week
    pub const PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD: u256 = 10;
    pub const QUORUM_NUMERATOR: u256 = 40; // 4%

    component!(path: GovernorComponent, storage: governor, event: GovernorEvent);
        path: GovernorVotesQuorumFractionComponent,
        storage: governor_votes,
        event: GovernorVotesEvent
        path: GovernorCountingSimpleComponent,
        storage: governor_counting_simple,
        event: GovernorCountingSimpleEvent
        path: GovernorCoreExecutionComponent,
        storage: governor_core_execution,
        event: GovernorCoreExecutionEvent
    component!(path: SRC5Component, storage: src5, event: SRC5Event);

    // Governor
    impl GovernorImpl = GovernorComponent::GovernorImpl<ContractState>;

    // Extensions external
    impl QuorumFractionImpl =

    // Extensions internal
    impl GovernorQuorumImpl = GovernorVotesQuorumFractionComponent::GovernorQuorum<ContractState>;
    impl GovernorVotesImpl = GovernorVotesQuorumFractionComponent::GovernorVotes<ContractState>;
    impl GovernorCountingSimpleImpl =
    impl GovernorCoreExecutionImpl =

    // SRC5
    impl SRC5Impl = SRC5Component::SRC5Impl<ContractState>;

    struct Storage {
        pub governor: GovernorComponent::Storage,
        pub governor_votes: GovernorVotesQuorumFractionComponent::Storage,
        pub governor_counting_simple: GovernorCountingSimpleComponent::Storage,
        pub governor_core_execution: GovernorCoreExecutionComponent::Storage,
        pub src5: SRC5Component::Storage,

    #[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
    enum Event {
        GovernorEvent: GovernorComponent::Event,
        GovernorVotesEvent: GovernorVotesQuorumFractionComponent::Event,
        GovernorCountingSimpleEvent: GovernorCountingSimpleComponent::Event,
        GovernorCoreExecutionEvent: GovernorCoreExecutionComponent::Event,
        SRC5Event: SRC5Component::Event,

    fn constructor(ref self: ContractState, votes_token: ContractAddress) {
        self.governor_votes.initializer(votes_token, QUORUM_NUMERATOR);

    // SNIP12 Metadata

    pub impl SNIP12MetadataImpl of SNIP12Metadata {
        fn name() -> felt252 {

        fn version() -> felt252 {

    // Locally implemented extensions

    pub impl GovernorSettings of GovernorComponent::GovernorSettingsTrait<ContractState> {
        /// See `GovernorComponent::GovernorSettingsTrait::voting_delay`.
        fn voting_delay(self: @GovernorComponent::ComponentState<ContractState>) -> u64 {

        /// See `GovernorComponent::GovernorSettingsTrait::voting_period`.
        fn voting_period(self: @GovernorComponent::ComponentState<ContractState>) -> u64 {

        /// See `GovernorComponent::GovernorSettingsTrait::proposal_threshold`.
        fn proposal_threshold(self: @GovernorComponent::ComponentState<ContractState>) -> u256 {


It is good practice to add a timelock to governance decisions. This allows users to exit the system if they disagree with a decision before it is executed. We will use OpenZeppelin’s TimelockController in combination with the GovernorTimelockExecution extension.

When using a timelock, it is the timelock that will execute proposals and thus the timelock that should hold any funds, ownership, and access control roles.

TimelockController uses an AccessControl setup that we need to understand in order to set up roles.

The Proposer role is in charge of queueing operations: this is the role the Governor instance must be granted, and it MUST be the only proposer (and canceller) in the system.

The Executor role is in charge of executing already available operations: we can assign this role to the special zero address to allow anyone to execute (if operations can be particularly time sensitive, the Governor should be made Executor instead).

The Canceller role is in charge of canceling operations: the Governor instance must be granted this role, and it MUST be the only canceller in the system.

Lastly, there is the Admin role, which can grant and revoke the two previous roles: this is a very sensitive role that will be granted automatically to the timelock itself, and optionally to a second account, which can be used for ease of setup but should promptly renounce the role.

The following example uses the GovernorTimelockExecution extension, together with GovernorSettings, and uses a fixed quorum value instead of a percentage:

pub mod MyTimelockedGovernor {
    use openzeppelin_governance::governor::GovernorComponent::InternalTrait as GovernorInternalTrait;
    use openzeppelin_governance::governor::extensions::GovernorSettingsComponent::InternalTrait as GovernorSettingsInternalTrait;
    use openzeppelin_governance::governor::extensions::GovernorTimelockExecutionComponent::InternalTrait as GovernorTimelockExecutionInternalTrait;
    use openzeppelin_governance::governor::extensions::GovernorVotesComponent::InternalTrait as GovernorVotesInternalTrait;
    use openzeppelin_governance::governor::extensions::{
        GovernorVotesComponent, GovernorSettingsComponent, GovernorCountingSimpleComponent,
    use openzeppelin_governance::governor::{GovernorComponent, DefaultConfig};
    use openzeppelin_introspection::src5::SRC5Component;
    use openzeppelin_utils::cryptography::snip12::SNIP12Metadata;
    use starknet::ContractAddress;

    pub const VOTING_DELAY: u64 = 86400; // 1 day
    pub const VOTING_PERIOD: u64 = 432_000; // 1 week
    pub const PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD: u256 = 10;
    pub const QUORUM: u256 = 100_000_000;

    component!(path: GovernorComponent, storage: governor, event: GovernorEvent);
    component!(path: GovernorVotesComponent, storage: governor_votes, event: GovernorVotesEvent);
        path: GovernorSettingsComponent, storage: governor_settings, event: GovernorSettingsEvent
        path: GovernorCountingSimpleComponent,
        storage: governor_counting_simple,
        event: GovernorCountingSimpleEvent
        path: GovernorTimelockExecutionComponent,
        storage: governor_timelock_execution,
        event: GovernorTimelockExecutionEvent
    component!(path: SRC5Component, storage: src5, event: SRC5Event);

    // Governor
    impl GovernorImpl = GovernorComponent::GovernorImpl<ContractState>;

    // Extensions external
    impl VotesTokenImpl = GovernorVotesComponent::VotesTokenImpl<ContractState>;
    impl GovernorSettingsAdminImpl =
    impl TimelockedImpl =

    // Extensions internal
    impl GovernorVotesImpl = GovernorVotesComponent::GovernorVotes<ContractState>;
    impl GovernorSettingsImpl = GovernorSettingsComponent::GovernorSettings<ContractState>;
    impl GovernorCountingSimpleImpl =
    impl GovernorTimelockExecutionImpl =

    // SRC5
    impl SRC5Impl = SRC5Component::SRC5Impl<ContractState>;

    struct Storage {
        pub governor: GovernorComponent::Storage,
        pub governor_votes: GovernorVotesComponent::Storage,
        pub governor_settings: GovernorSettingsComponent::Storage,
        pub governor_counting_simple: GovernorCountingSimpleComponent::Storage,
        pub governor_timelock_execution: GovernorTimelockExecutionComponent::Storage,
        pub src5: SRC5Component::Storage,

    #[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
    enum Event {
        GovernorEvent: GovernorComponent::Event,
        GovernorVotesEvent: GovernorVotesComponent::Event,
        GovernorSettingsEvent: GovernorSettingsComponent::Event,
        GovernorCountingSimpleEvent: GovernorCountingSimpleComponent::Event,
        GovernorTimelockExecutionEvent: GovernorTimelockExecutionComponent::Event,
        SRC5Event: SRC5Component::Event,

    fn constructor(
        ref self: ContractState, votes_token: ContractAddress, timelock_controller: ContractAddress
    ) {
        self.governor_settings.initializer(VOTING_DELAY, VOTING_PERIOD, PROPOSAL_THRESHOLD);

    // SNIP12 Metadata

    pub impl SNIP12MetadataImpl of SNIP12Metadata {
        fn name() -> felt252 {

        fn version() -> felt252 {

    // Locally implemented extensions

    impl GovernorQuorum of GovernorComponent::GovernorQuorumTrait<ContractState> {
        /// See `GovernorComponent::GovernorQuorumTrait::quorum`.
        fn quorum(self: @GovernorComponent::ComponentState<ContractState>, timepoint: u64) -> u256 {


This is the full interface of the Governor implementation:

pub trait IGovernor<TState> {
    fn name(self: @TState) -> felt252;
    fn version(self: @TState) -> felt252;
    fn COUNTING_MODE(self: @TState) -> ByteArray;
    fn hash_proposal(self: @TState, calls: Span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) -> felt252;
    fn state(self: @TState, proposal_id: felt252) -> ProposalState;
    fn proposal_threshold(self: @TState) -> u256;
    fn proposal_snapshot(self: @TState, proposal_id: felt252) -> u64;
    fn proposal_deadline(self: @TState, proposal_id: felt252) -> u64;
    fn proposal_proposer(self: @TState, proposal_id: felt252) -> ContractAddress;
    fn proposal_eta(self: @TState, proposal_id: felt252) -> u64;
    fn proposal_needs_queuing(self: @TState, proposal_id: felt252) -> bool;
    fn voting_delay(self: @TState) -> u64;
    fn voting_period(self: @TState) -> u64;
    fn quorum(self: @TState, timepoint: u64) -> u256;
    fn get_votes(self: @TState, account: ContractAddress, timepoint: u64) -> u256;
    fn get_votes_with_params(
        self: @TState, account: ContractAddress, timepoint: u64, params: Span<felt252>
    ) -> u256;
    fn has_voted(self: @TState, proposal_id: felt252, account: ContractAddress) -> bool;
    fn propose(ref self: TState, calls: Span<Call>, description: ByteArray) -> felt252;
    fn queue(ref self: TState, calls: Span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) -> felt252;
    fn execute(ref self: TState, calls: Span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) -> felt252;
    fn cancel(ref self: TState, calls: Span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) -> felt252;
    fn cast_vote(ref self: TState, proposal_id: felt252, support: u8) -> u256;
    fn cast_vote_with_reason(
        ref self: TState, proposal_id: felt252, support: u8, reason: ByteArray
    ) -> u256;
    fn cast_vote_with_reason_and_params(
        ref self: TState,
        proposal_id: felt252,
        support: u8,
        reason: ByteArray,
        params: Span<felt252>
    ) -> u256;
    fn cast_vote_by_sig(
        ref self: TState,
        proposal_id: felt252,
        support: u8,
        voter: ContractAddress,
        signature: Span<felt252>
    ) -> u256;
    fn cast_vote_with_reason_and_params_by_sig(
        ref self: TState,
        proposal_id: felt252,
        support: u8,
        voter: ContractAddress,
        reason: ByteArray,
        params: Span<felt252>,
        signature: Span<felt252>
    ) -> u256;
    fn nonces(self: @TState, voter: ContractAddress) -> felt252;
    fn relay(ref self: TState, call: Call);