The ERC20 token standard is a specification for fungible tokens, a type of token where all the units are exactly equal to each other. The ERC20.cairo contract implements an approximation of EIP-20 in Cairo for StarkNet.


namespace IERC20 {
    func name() -> (name: felt) {

    func symbol() -> (symbol: felt) {

    func decimals() -> (decimals: felt) {

    func totalSupply() -> (totalSupply: Uint256) {

    func balanceOf(account: felt) -> (balance: Uint256) {

    func allowance(owner: felt, spender: felt) -> (remaining: Uint256) {

    func transfer(recipient: felt, amount: Uint256) -> (success: felt) {

    func transferFrom(sender: felt, recipient: felt, amount: Uint256) -> (success: felt) {

    func approve(spender: felt, amount: Uint256) -> (success: felt) {

ERC20 compatibility

Although StarkNet is not EVM compatible, this implementation aims to be as close as possible to the ERC20 standard, in the following ways:

  • It uses Cairo’s uint256 instead of felt.

  • It returns TRUE as success.

  • It accepts a felt argument for decimals in the constructor calldata with a max value of 2^8 (imitating uint8 type).

  • It makes use of Cairo’s short strings to simulate name and symbol.

But some differences can still be found, such as:

  • transfer, transferFrom and approve will never return anything different from TRUE because they will revert on any error.

  • Function selectors are calculated differently between Cairo and Solidity.


Use cases go from medium of exchange currency to voting rights, staking, and more.

Considering that the constructor method looks like this:

func constructor(
    name: felt,               // Token name as Cairo short string
    symbol: felt,             // Token symbol as Cairo short string
    decimals: felt            // Token decimals (usually 18)
    initial_supply: Uint256,  // Amount to be minted
    recipient: felt           // Address where to send initial supply to
) {

To create a token you need to deploy it like this:

erc20 = await starknet.deploy(
        str_to_felt("Token"),     # name
        str_to_felt("TKN"),       # symbol
        18,                       # decimals
        (1000, 0),                # initial supply
        account.contract_address  # recipient

As most StarkNet contracts, it expects to be called by another contract and it identifies it through get_caller_address (analogous to Solidity’s this.address). This is why we need an Account contract to interact with it. For example:

signer = MockSigner(PRIVATE_KEY)
amount = uint(100)

account = await starknet.deploy(

await signer.send_transaction(account, erc20.contract_address, 'transfer', [recipient_address, *amount])


ERC20 contracts can be extended by following the extensibility pattern. The basic idea behind integrating the pattern is to import the requisite ERC20 methods from the ERC20 library and incorporate the extended logic thereafter. For example, let’s say you wanted to implement a pausing mechanism. The contract should first import the ERC20 methods and the extended logic from the Pausable library i.e. Pausable.pause, Pausable.unpause. Next, the contract should expose the methods with the extended logic therein like this:

func transfer{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}(
    recipient: felt, amount: Uint256
) -> (success: felt) {
    Pausable.assert_not_paused();                 // imported extended logic
    return ERC20.transfer(recipient, amount);     // imported library method

Note that extensibility does not have to be only library-based like in the above example. For instance, an ERC20 contract with a pausing mechanism can define the pausing methods directly in the contract or even import the pausable methods from the library and tailor them further.

Some other ways to extend ERC20 contracts may include:

  • Implementing a minting mechanism.

  • Creating a timelock.

  • Adding roles such as owner or minter.

For full examples of the extensibility pattern being used in ERC20 contracts, see Presets.


The following contract presets are ready to deploy and can be used as-is for quick prototyping and testing. Each preset mints an initial supply which is especially necessary for presets that do not expose a mint method.

ERC20 (basic)

The ERC20 preset offers a quick and easy setup for deploying a basic ERC20 token.


The ERC20Mintable preset allows the contract owner to mint new tokens.


The ERC20Pausable preset allows the contract owner to pause/unpause all state-modifying methods i.e. transfer, approve, etc. This preset proves useful for scenarios such as preventing trades until the end of an evaluation period and having an emergency switch for freezing all token transfers in the event of a large bug.


The ERC20Upgradeable preset allows the contract owner to upgrade a contract by deploying a new ERC20 implementation contract while also maintaing the contract’s state. This preset proves useful for scenarios such as eliminating bugs and adding new features. For more on upgradeability, see Contract upgrades.

API Specification


func name() -> (name: felt) {

func symbol() -> (symbol: felt) {

func decimals() -> (decimals: felt) {

func totalSupply() -> (totalSupply: Uint256) {

func balanceOf(account: felt) -> (balance: Uint256) {

func allowance(owner: felt, spender: felt) -> (remaining: Uint256) {

func transfer(recipient: felt, amount: Uint256) -> (success: felt) {

func transferFrom(sender: felt, recipient: felt, amount: Uint256) -> (success: felt) {

func approve(spender: felt, amount: Uint256) -> (success: felt) {


Returns the name of the token.

Parameters: None.


name: felt


Returns the ticker symbol of the token.

Parameters: None.


symbol: felt


Returns the number of decimals the token uses - e.g. 8 means to divide the token amount by 100000000 to get its user representation.

Parameters: None.


decimals: felt


Returns the amount of tokens in existence.

Parameters: None.


totalSupply: Uint256


Returns the amount of tokens owned by account.


account: felt


balance: Uint256


Returns the remaining number of tokens that spender will be allowed to spend on behalf of owner through transferFrom. This is zero by default.

This value changes when approve or transferFrom are called.


owner: felt
spender: felt


remaining: Uint256


Moves amount tokens from the caller’s account to recipient. It returns 1 representing a bool if it succeeds.

Emits a Transfer event.


recipient: felt
amount: Uint256


success: felt


Moves amount tokens from sender to recipient using the allowance mechanism. amount is then deducted from the caller’s allowance. It returns 1 representing a bool if it succeeds.

Emits a Transfer event.


sender: felt
recipient: felt
amount: Uint256


success: felt


Sets amount as the allowance of spender over the caller’s tokens. It returns 1 representing a bool if it succeeds.

Emits an Approval event.


spender: felt
amount: Uint256


success: felt


func Transfer(from_: felt, to: felt, value: Uint256) {

func Approval(owner: felt, spender: felt, value: Uint256) {

Transfer (event)

Emitted when value tokens are moved from one account (from_) to another (to).

Note that value may be zero.


from_: felt
to: felt
value: Uint256

Approval (event)

Emitted when the allowance of a spender for an owner is set by a call to approve. value is the new allowance.


owner: felt
spender: felt
value: Uint256