
The ERC1155 multi token standard is a specification for fungibility-agnostic token contracts. The ERC1155 library implements an approximation of EIP-1155 in Cairo for StarkNet.


namespace IERC1155 {
    func balanceOf(account: felt, id: Uint256) -> (balance: Uint256) {

    func balanceOfBatch(
        accounts_len: felt,
        accounts: felt*,
        ids_len: felt,
         ids: Uint256*
    ) -> (
        balances_len: felt,
        balances: Uint256*
    ) {

    func isApprovedForAll(
        account: felt,
        operator: felt
    ) -> (approved: felt) {

    func setApprovalForAll(operator: felt, approved: felt) {

    func safeTransferFrom(
        from_: felt,
        to: felt,
        id: Uint256,
        value: Uint256,
        data_len: felt,
        data: felt*
    ) {

    func safeBatchTransferFrom(
        from_: felt,
        to: felt,
        ids_len: felt,
        ids: Uint256*,
        values_len: felt,
        values: Uint256*,
        data_len: felt,
        data: felt*,
    ) {

    --------------- IERC165 ---------------

    func supportsInterface(interfaceId: felt) -> (success: felt) {

ERC1155 Compatibility

Although StarkNet is not EVM compatible, this implementation aims to be as close as possible to the ERC1155 standard in the following ways:

  • It uses Cairo’s uint256 instead of felt.

  • It returns TRUE as success.

But some differences can still be found, such as:

  • It implements an uri() function that returns the same URI for all token types. It relies on the token type ID substitution mechanism defined in the EIP. Clients calling this function must replace the {id} substring with the actual token type ID.

  • safeTransferFrom and safeBatchTransferFrom are specified such that the optional data argument should be of type bytes. In Solidity, this means a dynamically-sized array. To be as close as possible to the standard, the data argument accepts a dynamic array of felts. In Cairo, arrays are expressed with the array length preceding the actual array; hence, the method accepts data_len and data respectively as types felt and felt*.

  • IERC1155Receiver compliant contracts (ERC1155Holder) return a hardcoded selector id according to EVM selectors, since selectors are calculated differently in Cairo. This is in line with the ERC165 interfaces design choice towards EVM compatibility. See the Introspection docs for more info.

  • IERC1155Receiver compliant contracts (ERC1155Holder) must support ERC165 by registering the IERC1155Receiver selector id in its constructor and exposing the supportsInterface method. In doing so, recipient contracts (both accounts and non-accounts) can be verified that they support ERC1155 transfers.


To show a standard use case, we’ll use the ERC1155MintableBurnable preset which allows for only the owner to mint tokens. To create a token, you need to first deploy both Account and ERC1155 contracts respectively.

Considering that the ERC1155 constructor method looks like this:

func constructor(
    uri: felt,      // Token URI as Cairo short string
    owner: felt     // Address designated as the contract owner
) {

Deployment of both contracts looks like this:

account = await starknet.deploy(

erc1155 = await starknet.deploy(
        str_to_felt("http://my.uri/{id}"),        # uri
        account.contract_address                  # owner

To mint tokens, send a transaction like this:

signer = MockSigner(PRIVATE_KEY)
token_id = uint(1)
mint_value = uint(1000)

await signer.send_transaction(
    account, erc1155.contract_address, 'mint', [
        0 # data

Token Transfers

This library includes safeTransferFrom and safeBatchTransferFrom to transfer assets. These methods incorporate the following conditional logic:

  1. If the receiving address is identified as an account, the tokens will be transferred.

  2. If the receiving address is not an account contract, the function will check that the receiver supports ERC1155 tokens before sending them.

The current implementation requires recipient contracts to support ERC165 and expose the supportsInterface method. See ERC1155Received.

Interpreting ERC1155 URIs

Token URIs in Cairo are stored as single field elements. Each field element equates to 252-bits (or 31.5 bytes) which means that a token’s URI can be no longer than 31 characters.

Storing the URI as an array of felts was considered to accommodate larger strings. While this approach is more flexible regarding URIs, a returned array further deviates from the standard. Therefore, this library’s ERC1155 implementation sets URIs as a single field element.

The module includes utility methods for converting to/from Cairo field elements. To properly interpret a URI from ERC1155, simply trim the null bytes and decode the remaining bits as an ASCII string. For example:

def str_to_felt(text):
    b_text = bytes(text, 'ascii')
    return int.from_bytes(b_text, "big")

def felt_to_str(felt):
    b_felt = felt.to_bytes(31, "big")
    return b_felt.decode()

token_id = uint(1)
sample_uri = str_to_felt('mock://mytoken')

await signer.send_transaction(
    account, erc1155.contract_address, 'setTokenURI', [
        *token_id, sample_uri]

felt_uri = await erc1155.tokenURI(first_token_id).call()
string_uri = felt_to_str(felt_uri)


In order to be sure a contract can safely accept ERC1155 tokens, said contract must implement the IERC1155Receiver interface (as expressed in the EIP1155 specification). Methods such as safeTransferFrom and safeBatchTransferFrom call the recipient contract’s onERC1155Received or onERC1155BatchReceived method. If the contract fails to return the correct magic value, the transaction fails.

StarkNet contracts that support safe transfers, however, must also support ERC165 and include supportsInterface as proposed in #100. Transfer functions require a means of differentiating between account and non-account contracts. Currently, StarkNet does not support error handling from the contract level; therefore, the current ERC1155 implementation requires that all contracts that support safe ERC1155 transfers (both accounts and non-accounts) include the supportsInterface method. Further, supportsInterface should return TRUE if the recipient contract supports the IERC1155Receiver magic value 00x4e2312e0 (which invokes onERC1155Received and onERC1155BatchReceived). If the recipient contract supports the IAccount magic value, supportsInterface should return TRUE. Otherwise, transfer functions should fail.



The ERC1155MintableBurnable preset offers a quick and easy setup for creating ERC1155 tokens. Its constructor takes three arguments: name, symbol, and an owner address which will be capable of minting tokens.



Implementation of the IERC1155Receiver interface.

Accepts all token transfers. Make sure the contract is able to use its token with IERC1155.safeTransferFrom, IERC1155.approve or IERC1155.setApprovalForAll.

Also utilizes the ERC165 method supportsInterface to determine if the contract is an account. See ERC1155Received.

API Specification


func balanceOf(account: felt, id: Uint256) -> (balance: Uint256) {

func balanceOfBatch(
    accounts_len: felt,
    accounts: felt*,
    ids_len: felt,
    ids: Uint256*
) -> (
    balances_len: felt,
    balances: Uint256*
) {

func isApprovedForAll(account: felt, operator: felt) -> (approved: felt) {

func setApprovalForAll(operator: felt, approved: felt) {

func safeTransferFrom(
    from_: felt,
    to: felt,
    id: Uint256,
    value: Uint256,
    data_len: felt,
    data: felt*
) {

func safeBatchTransferFrom(
    from_: felt,
    to: felt,
    ids_len: felt,
    ids: Uint256*,
    values_len: felt,
    values: Uint256*,
    data_len: felt,
    data: felt*,
) {


Returns the number of id tokens of account.


account: felt
id: Uint256


balance: Uint256


Get the balance of multiple account/token pairs.


accounts_len: felt
accounts: felt*
ids_len: felt
ids: Uint156*


balances_len: felt
balances: Uint256*


Get whether operator is approved by account for all tokens.


account: felt
operator: felt


approved: felt


Enable or disable approval for a third party ("operator") to manage all of the caller’s tokens.


operator: felt
approved: felt

Returns: None.


Transfers value amount of token id from from_ to to, checking first that contract recipients are aware and capable of handling ERC1155 tokens to prevent locking them forever. For information regarding how contracts communicate their awareness of the ERC1155 protocol, see ERC1155Received.

Emits a TransferSingle event.


from_: felt
to: felt
id: Uint256
value: Uint256
data_len: felt
data: felt*

Returns: None.


Batch version of safeTransferFrom. Emits a TransferBatch event.


from_: felt
to: felt
ids_len: felt
ids: Uint256*
values_len: felt
values: Uint256*
data_len: felt
data: felt*

Returns: None.


TransferSingle (Event)

Emitted when operator sends value amount of id token from from_ to to.


operator: felt
from_: felt
to: felt
id: Uint256
value: Uint256

TransferBatch (Event)

Emitted when operator sends multiple values of multiple token ids from from_ to to.


operator: felt
from_: felt
to: felt
ids_len: felt
ids: Uint256*
values_len: felt
values: Uint256*

ApprovalForAll (Event)

Emitted when owner enables or disables (approved) operator to manage all of its assets.


account: felt
operator: felt
approved: felt

IERC1155Metadata API

func uri(id: Uint256) -> (uri: felt) {


Returns the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for a token id, although this implementation returns the same URI for all token types. It relies on the token type ID substitution mechanism defined in the EIP.


id: Uint256


uri: felt

IERC1155Receiver API

func onERC1155Received(
    operator: felt,
    from_: felt,
    tokenId: Uint256,
    data_len: felt,
    data: felt*
) -> (selector: felt) {

func onERC1155BatchReceived(
    operator: felt,
    from_: felt,
    ids_len: felt,
    ids: Uint256*,
    values_len: felt,
    values: Uint256*,
    data_len: felt,
    data: felt*,
) -> (selector: felt) {


Whenever any IERC1155 token is transferred or minted to this non-account contract by operator from from_, this function is called.


operator: felt
from_: felt
id: Uint256
value: Uint156
data_len: felt
data: felt*


selector: felt


Whenever any IERC1155 token is transferred to this non-account contract via safeBatchTransferFrom by operator from from_, this function is called.


operator: felt
from_: felt
ids_len: felt
ids: Uint256*
values_len: felt
values: Uint156*
data_len: felt
data: felt*


selector: felt