
This crate includes primitives for on-chain governance.


This modular system of Governor components allows the deployment of easily customizable on-chain voting protocols.

For a walkthrough of how to implement a Governor, check the Governor page.


use openzeppelin_governance::governor::interface::IGovernor;

Interface of a governor contract.



name() → felt252 external

Name of the governor instance (used in building the SNIP-12 domain separator).

version() → felt252 external

Version of the governor instance (used in building SNIP-12 domain separator).

COUNTING_MODE() → ByteArray external

A description of the possible support values for cast_vote and the way these votes are counted, meant to be consumed by UIs to show correct vote options and interpret the results. The string is a URL-encoded sequence of key-value pairs that each describe one aspect, for example support=bravo&quorum=for,abstain.

There are 2 standard keys: support and quorum.

  • support=bravo refers to the vote options 0 = Against, 1 = For, 2 = Abstain, as in GovernorBravo.

  • quorum=bravo means that only For votes are counted towards quorum.

  • quorum=for,abstain means that both For and Abstain votes are counted towards quorum.

If a counting module makes use of encoded params, it should include this under a params key with a unique name that describes the behavior. For example:

  • params=fractional might refer to a scheme where votes are divided fractionally between for/against/abstain.

  • params=erc721 might refer to a scheme where specific NFTs are delegated to vote.

The string can be decoded by the standard URLSearchParams JavaScript class.

hash_proposal(calls: Span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) → felt252 external

Hashing function used to (re)build the proposal id from the proposal details.

state(proposal_id: felt252) → ProposalState external

Returns the state of a proposal, given its id.

proposal_threshold() → u256 external

The number of votes required in order for a voter to become a proposer.

proposal_snapshot(proposal_id: felt252) → u64 external

Timepoint used to retrieve user’s votes and quorum. If using block number, the snapshot is performed at the end of this block. Hence, voting for this proposal starts at the beginning of the following block.

proposal_deadline(proposal_id: felt252) → u64 external

Timepoint at which votes close. If using block number, votes close at the end of this block, so it is possible to cast a vote during this block.

proposal_proposer(proposal_id: felt252) → ContractAddress external

The account that created a proposal.

proposal_eta(proposal_id: felt252) → u64 external

The time when a queued proposal becomes executable ("ETA"). Unlike proposal_snapshot and proposal_deadline, this doesn’t use the governor clock, and instead relies on the executor’s clock which may be different. In most cases this will be a timestamp.

proposal_needs_queuing(proposal_id: felt252) → bool external

Whether a proposal needs to be queued before execution. This indicates if the proposal needs to go through a timelock.

voting_delay() → u64 external

Delay between when a proposal is created and when the vote starts. The unit this duration is expressed in depends on the clock (see ERC-6372) this contract uses.

This can be increased to leave time for users to buy voting power, or delegate it, before the voting of a proposal starts.

voting_period() → u64 external

Delay between when a vote starts and when it ends. The unit this duration is expressed in depends on the clock (see ERC-6372) this contract uses.

The voting_delay can delay the start of the vote. This must be considered when setting the voting duration compared to the voting delay.
This value is stored when the proposal is submitted so that possible changes to the value do not affect proposals that have already been submitted.

quorum(timepoint: u64) → u256 external

Minimum number of votes required for a proposal to be successful.

The timepoint parameter corresponds to the snapshot used for counting vote. This allows the quorum to scale depending on values such as the total supply of a token at this timepoint.

get_votes(account: ContractAddress, timepoint: u64) → u256 external

Returns the voting power of an account at a specific timepoint.

This can be implemented in a number of ways, for example by reading the delegated balance from one (or multiple) ERC20Votes tokens.

get_votes_with_params(account: ContractAddress, timepoint: u64, params: Span<felt252>) → u256 external

Returns the voting power of an account at a specific timepoint, given additional encoded parameters.

has_voted(proposal_id: felt252, account: ContractAddress) → bool external

Returns whether an account has cast a vote on a proposal.

propose(calls: Span<Call>, description: ByteArray) → felt252 external

Creates a new proposal. Vote starts after a delay specified by voting_delay and lasts for a duration specified by voting_period.

The state of the Governor and targets may change between the proposal creation and its execution. This may be the result of third party actions on the targeted contracts, or other governor proposals. For example, the balance of this contract could be updated or its access control permissions may be modified, possibly compromising the proposal’s ability to execute successfully (e.g. the governor doesn’t have enough value to cover a proposal with multiple transfers).

Returns the id of the proposal.

queue(calls: Span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) → felt252 external

Queue a proposal. Some governors require this step to be performed before execution can happen. If queuing is not necessary, this function may revert.

Queuing a proposal requires the quorum to be reached, the vote to be successful, and the deadline to be reached.

Returns the id of the proposal.

execute(calls: span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) → felt252 external

Execute a successful proposal. This requires the quorum to be reached, the vote to be successful, and the deadline to be reached. Depending on the governor it might also be required that the proposal was queued and that some delay passed.

Some modules can modify the requirements for execution, for example by adding an additional timelock (See timelock_controller).

Returns the id of the proposal.

cancel(calls: Span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) → felt252 external

Cancel a proposal. A proposal is cancellable by the proposer, but only while it is Pending state, i.e. before the vote starts.

Returns the id of the proposal.

cast_vote(proposal_id: felt252, support: u8) → u256 external

Cast a vote on a proposal.

Returns the weight of the vote.

cast_vote_with_reason(proposal_id: felt252, support: u8, reason: ByteArray) → u256 external

Cast a vote on a proposal with a reason.

Returns the weight of the vote.

cast_vote_with_reason_and_params(proposal_id: felt252, support: u8, reason: ByteArray, params: Span<felt252>) → u256 external

Cast a vote on a proposal with a reason and additional encoded parameters.

Returns the weight of the vote.

cast_vote_by_sig(proposal_id: felt252, support: u8, voter: ContractAddress, signature: Span<felt252>) → u256 external

Cast a vote on a proposal using the voter’s signature.

Returns the weight of the vote.

cast_vote_with_reason_and_params_by_sig(proposal_id: felt252, support: u8, voter: ContractAddress, reason: ByteArray, params: Span<felt252>, signature: Span<felt252>) → u256 external

Cast a vote on a proposal with a reason and additional encoded parameters using the voter's signature.

Returns the weight of the vote.

nonces(voter: ContractAddress) → felt252 external

Returns the next unused nonce for an address.

relay(call: Call) external

Relays a transaction or function call to an arbitrary target.

In cases where the governance executor is some contract other than the governor itself, like when using a timelock, this function can be invoked in a governance proposal to recover tokens that were sent to the governor contract by mistake.

If the executor is simply the governor itself, use of relay is redundant.


ProposalCreated(proposal_id: felt252, proposer: ContractAddress, calls: Span<Call>, signatures: Span<Span<felt252>>, vote_start: u64, vote_end: u64, description: ByteArray) event

Emitted when a proposal is created.

ProposalQueued(proposal_id: felt252, eta_seconds: u64) event

Emitted when a proposal is queued.

ProposalExecuted(proposal_id: felt252) event

Emitted when a proposal is executed.

ProposalCanceled(proposal_id: felt252) event

Emitted when a proposal is canceled.

VoteCast(voter: ContractAddress, proposal_id: felt252, support: u8, weight: u256, reason: ByteArray) event

Emitted when a vote is cast.

VoteCastWithParams(voter: ContractAddress, proposal_id: felt252, support: u8, weight: u256, reason: ByteArray, params: Span<felt252>) event

Emitted when a vote is cast with params.


use openzeppelin_governance::governor::GovernorComponent;

Core of the governance system.

The extension traits presented below are what make the GovernorComponent a modular and configurable system. The embeddable and internal implementations depends on these trait. They can be implemented locally in the contract, or through the provided library component extensions.
Implementing SRC5Component is a requirement for this component to be implemented.

Extensions traits functions

voting_delay(self: @ContractState) → u64 extension

Must return the delay, in number of timepoints, between when the proposal is created and when the vote starts. This can be increased to leave time for users to buy voting power, or delegate it, before the voting of a proposal starts.

voting_period(self: @ContractState) → u64 extension

Must return the delay, in number of timepoints, between the vote start and vote end.

proposal_threshold(self: @ContractState) → u256 extension

Must return the minimum number of votes that an account must have to create a proposal.

quorum(self: @ContractState, timepoint: u64) → u256 extension

Must return the minimum number of votes required for a proposal to succeed.

counting_mode(self: @ContractState) → ByteArray extension

Must return a description of the possible support values for cast_vote and the way these votes are counted, meant to be consumed by UIs to show correct vote options and interpret the results. See COUNTING_MODE for more details.

count_vote(ref self: ContractState, proposal_id: felt252, account: ContractAddress, support: u8, total_weight: u256, params: Span<felt252>) → u256 extension

Must register a vote for proposal_id by account with a given support, voting weight and voting params.

Support is generic and can represent various things depending on the voting system used.

has_voted(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252, account: ContractAddress) → bool extension

Must return whether an account has cast a vote on a proposal.

quorum_reached(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252) → bool extension

Must return whether the minimum quorum has been reached for a proposal.

vote_succeeded(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252) → bool extension

Must return whether a proposal has succeeded or not.

clock(self: @ContractState) → u64 extension

Must return the current timepoint according to the clock mode the governor is operating in.

For now, only timestamp is supported.

clock_mode(self: @ContractState) → ByteArray extension

Must return the clock mode the governor is operating in.

For now, only timestamp is supported.

get_votes(self: @ContractState, account: ContractAddress, timepoint: u64, params: Span<felt252>) → u256 extension

Must return the voting power of an account at a specific timepoint with the given parameters.

state(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252) → ProposalState extension

Must return the state of a proposal at the current time.

The state can be either:

  • Pending: The proposal does not exist yet.

  • Active: The proposal is active.

  • Canceled: The proposal has been canceled.

  • Defeated: The proposal has been defeated.

  • Succeeded: The proposal has succeeded.

  • Queued: The proposal has been queued.

  • Executed: The proposal has been executed.

executor(self: @ContractState) → ContractAddress internal

Must return the address through which the governor executes action. Should be used to specify whether the module execute actions through another contract such as a timelock.

MUST be the governor itself, or an instance of TimelockController with the governor as the only proposer, canceller, and executor.
When the executor is not the governor itself (i.e. a timelock), it can call functions that are restricted with the assert_only_governance guard, and also potentially execute transactions on behalf of the governor. Because of this, this module is designed to work with the TimelockController as the unique potential external executor.

execute_operations(ref self: ContractState, proposal_id: felt252, calls: Span<Call>) internal

Execution mechanism. Can be used to modify the way operations are executed (for example adding a vault/timelock).

queue_operations(ref self: ContractState, proposal_id: felt252, calls: Span<Call>) internal

Queuing mechanism. Can be used to modify the way queuing is performed (for example adding a vault/timelock).


  • Must return a timestamp that describes the expected ETA for execution. If the returned value is 0, the core will consider queueing did not succeed, and the public queue function will revert.

proposal_needs_queuing(self: @ContractState) → bool internal

Must return whether proposals need to be queued before execution. This usually indicates if the proposal needs to go through a timelock.

cancel_operations(ref self: ContractState, proposal_id: felt252, calls: Span<Call>) internal

Cancel mechanism. Can be used to modify the way canceling is performed (for example adding a vault/timelock).

Embeddable functions

name() → felt252 external

Name of the governor instance (used in building the SNIP-12 domain separator).

version() → felt252 external

Version of the governor instance (used in building SNIP-12 domain separator).

COUNTING_MODE() → ByteArray external

A description of the possible support values for cast_vote and the way these votes are counted, meant to be consumed by UIs to show correct vote options and interpret the results. The string is a URL-encoded sequence of key-value pairs that each describe one aspect, for example support=bravo&quorum=for,abstain.

There are 2 standard keys: support and quorum.

  • support=bravo refers to the vote options 0 = Against, 1 = For, 2 = Abstain, as in GovernorBravo.

  • quorum=bravo means that only For votes are counted towards quorum.

  • quorum=for,abstain means that both For and Abstain votes are counted towards quorum.

If a counting module makes use of encoded params, it should include this under a params key with a unique name that describes the behavior. For example:

  • params=fractional might refer to a scheme where votes are divided fractionally between for/against/abstain.

  • params=erc721 might refer to a scheme where specific NFTs are delegated to vote.

The string can be decoded by the standard URLSearchParams JavaScript class.

hash_proposal(calls: Span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) → felt252 external

Hashing function used to (re)build the proposal id from the proposal details.

state(proposal_id: felt252) → ProposalState external

Returns the state of a proposal, given its id.

proposal_threshold() → u256 external

The number of votes required in order for a voter to become a proposer.

proposal_snapshot(proposal_id: felt252) → u64 external

Timepoint used to retrieve user’s votes and quorum. If using block number, the snapshot is performed at the end of this block. Hence, voting for this proposal starts at the beginning of the following block.

proposal_deadline(proposal_id: felt252) → u64 external

Timepoint at which votes close. If using block number, votes close at the end of this block, so it is possible to cast a vote during this block.

proposal_proposer(proposal_id: felt252) → ContractAddress external

The account that created a proposal.

proposal_eta(proposal_id: felt252) → u64 external

The time when a queued proposal becomes executable ("ETA"). Unlike proposal_snapshot and proposal_deadline, this doesn’t use the governor clock, and instead relies on the executor’s clock which may be different. In most cases this will be a timestamp.

proposal_needs_queuing(proposal_id: felt252) → bool external

Whether a proposal needs to be queued before execution. This indicates if the proposal needs to go through a timelock.

voting_delay() → u64 external

Delay between when a proposal is created and when the vote starts. The unit this duration is expressed in depends on the clock (see ERC-6372) this contract uses.

This can be increased to leave time for users to buy voting power, or delegate it, before the voting of a proposal starts.

voting_period() → u64 external

Delay between the vote start and vote end. The unit this duration is expressed in depends on the clock (see ERC-6372) this contract uses.

The voting_delay can delay the start of the vote. This must be considered when setting the voting duration compared to the voting delay.
This value is stored when the proposal is submitted so that possible changes to the value do not affect proposals that have already been submitted.

quorum(timepoint: u64) → u256 external

Minimum number of votes required for a proposal to be successful.

The timepoint parameter corresponds to the snapshot used for counting vote. This allows the quorum to scale depending on values such as the total supply of a token at this timepoint.

get_votes(account: ContractAddress, timepoint: u64) → u256 external

Returns the voting power of an account at a specific timepoint.

This can be implemented in a number of ways, for example by reading the delegated balance from one (or multiple) ERC20Votes tokens.

get_votes_with_params(account: ContractAddress, timepoint: u64, params: Span<felt252>) → u256 external

Returns the voting power of an account at a specific timepoint, given additional encoded parameters.

has_voted(proposal_id: felt252, account: ContractAddress) → bool external

Returns whether an account has cast a vote on a proposal.

propose(calls: Span<Call>, description: ByteArray) → felt252 external

Creates a new proposal. Voting starts after the delay specified by voting_delay and lasts for a duration specified by voting_period. Returns the id of the proposal.

This function has opt-in frontrunning protection, described in is_valid_description_for_proposer.

The state of the Governor and targets may change between the proposal creation and its execution. This may be the result of third party actions on the targeted contracts, or other governor proposals. For example, the balance of this contract could be updated or its access control permissions may be modified, possibly compromising the proposal’s ability to execute successfully (e.g. the governor doesn’t have enough value to cover a proposal with multiple transfers).


  • The proposer must be authorized to submit the proposal.

  • The proposer must have enough votes to submit the proposal if proposal_threshold is greater than zero.

  • The proposal must not already exist.

Emits a ProposalCreated event.

queue(calls: Span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) → felt252 external

Queues a proposal. Some governors require this step to be performed before execution can happen. If queuing is not necessary, this function may revert. Queuing a proposal requires the quorum to be reached, the vote to be successful, and the deadline to be reached.

Returns the id of the proposal.


  • The proposal must be in the Succeeded state.

  • The queue operation must return a non-zero ETA.

Emits a ProposalQueued event.

execute(calls: span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) → felt252 external

Executes a successful proposal. This requires the quorum to be reached, the vote to be successful, and the deadline to be reached. Depending on the governor it might also be required that the proposal was queued and that some delay passed.

Some modules can modify the requirements for execution, for example by adding an additional timelock (See timelock_controller).

Returns the id of the proposal.


  • The proposal must be in the Succeeded or Queued state.

Emits a ProposalExecuted event.

cancel(calls: Span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) → felt252 external

Cancels a proposal. A proposal is cancellable by the proposer, but only while it is Pending state, i.e. before the vote starts.

Returns the id of the proposal.


  • The proposal must be in the Pending state.

  • The caller must be the proposer of the proposal.

Emits a ProposalCanceled event.

cast_vote(proposal_id: felt252, support: u8) → u256 external

Cast a vote.


  • The proposal must be active.

Emits a VoteCast event.

cast_vote_with_reason(proposal_id: felt252, support: u8, reason: ByteArray) → u256 external

Cast a vote with a reason.


  • The proposal must be active.

Emits a VoteCast event.

cast_vote_with_reason_and_params(proposal_id: felt252, support: u8, reason: ByteArray, params: Span<felt252>) → u256 external

Cast a vote with a reason and additional serialized params.


  • The proposal must be active.

Emits either:

cast_vote_by_sig(proposal_id: felt252, support: u8, voter: ContractAddress, signature: Span<felt252>) → u256 external

Cast a vote using the voter's signature.


  • The proposal must be active.

  • The nonce in the signed message must match the account’s current nonce.

  • voter must implement SRC6::is_valid_signature.

  • signature must be valid for the message hash.

Emits a VoteCast event.

cast_vote_with_reason_and_params_by_sig(proposal_id: felt252, support: u8, voter: ContractAddress, reason: ByteArray, params: Span<felt252>, signature: Span<felt252>) → u256 external

Cast a vote with a reason and additional serialized params using the voter's signature.


  • The proposal must be active.

  • The nonce in the signed message must match the account’s current nonce.

  • voter must implement SRC6::is_valid_signature.

  • signature must be valid for the message hash.

Emits either:

nonces(voter: ContractAddress) → felt252 external

Returns the next unused nonce for an address.

relay(call: Call) external

Relays a transaction or function call to an arbitrary target.

In cases where the governance executor is some contract other than the governor itself, like when using a timelock, this function can be invoked in a governance proposal to recover tokens that were sent to the governor contract by mistake.

If the executor is simply the governor itself, use of relay is redundant.

Internal functions

initializer(ref self: ContractState) internal

Initializes the contract by registering the supported interface id.

get_proposal(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252) → ProposalCore internal

Returns the proposal object given its id.

is_valid_description_for_proposer(self: @ContractState, proposer: ContractAddress, description: ByteArray) → bool internal

Checks if the proposer is authorized to submit a proposal with the given description.

If the proposal description ends with #proposer=0x???, where 0x??? is an address written as a hex string (case insensitive), then the submission of this proposal will only be authorized to said address.

This is used for frontrunning protection. By adding this pattern at the end of their proposal, one can ensure that no other address can submit the same proposal. An attacker would have to either remove or change that part, which would result in a different proposal id.

In Starknet, the Sequencer ensures the order of transactions, but frontrunning can still be achieved by nodes, and potentially other actors in the future with sequencer decentralization.

If the description does not match this pattern, it is unrestricted and anyone can submit it. This includes:

  • If the 0x??? part is not a valid hex string.

  • If the 0x??? part is a valid hex string, but does not contain exactly 64 hex digits.

  • If it ends with the expected suffix followed by newlines or other whitespace.

  • If it ends with some other similar suffix, e.g. #other=abc.

  • If it does not end with any such suffix.

_hash_proposal(self: @ContractState, calls: Span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) → felt252 internal

Returns the proposal id computed from the given parameters.

The proposal id is computed as a Pedersen hash of:

  • The array of calls being proposed

  • The description hash

_proposal_snapshot(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252) → u64 internal

Timepoint used to retrieve user’s votes and quorum. If using block number, the snapshot is performed at the end of this block. Hence, voting for this proposal starts at the beginning of the following block.

_proposal_deadline(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252) → u64 internal

Timepoint at which votes close. If using block number, votes close at the end of this block, so it is possible to cast a vote during this block.

_proposal_proposer(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252) → ContractAddress internal

The account that created a proposal.

_proposal_eta(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252) → u64 internal

The time when a queued proposal becomes executable ("ETA"). Unlike proposal_snapshot and proposal_deadline, this doesn’t use the governor clock, and instead relies on the executor’s clock which may be different. In most cases this will be a timestamp.

assert_only_governance(self: @ContractState) internal

Asserts that the caller is the governance executor.

When the executor is not the governor itself (i.e. a timelock), it can call functions that are restricted with this modifier, and also potentially execute transactions on behalf of the governor. Because of this, this module is designed to work with the TimelockController as the unique potential external executor. The timelock MUST have the governor as the only proposer, canceller, and executor.

validate_state(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252, state: ProposalState) internal

Validates that a proposal is in the expected state. Otherwise it panics.

use_nonce(ref self: ContractState) → felt252 internal

Consumes a nonce, returns the current value, and increments nonce.

_get_votes(self: @ContractState, account: ContractAddress, timepoint: u64, params: Span<felt252>) → u256 internal

Internal wrapper for GovernorVotesTrait::get_votes.

_proposal_threshold(self: @ContractState) → u256 internal

Internal wrapper for GovernorProposeTrait::proposal_threshold.

_state(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252) → ProposalState internal

Returns the state of a proposal, given its id.


  • The proposal must exist.

_propose(ref self: ContractState, calls: Span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) → felt252 internal

Internal propose mechanism. Returns the proposal id.


  • The proposal must not already exist.

Emits a ProposalCreated event.

_cancel(ref self: ContractState, proposal_id: felt252) internal

Internal cancel mechanism with minimal restrictions.

A proposal can be cancelled in any state other than Canceled or Executed.

Once cancelled, a proposal can’t be re-submitted.

_count_vote(ref self: ContractState, proposal_id: felt252, account: ContractAddress, support: u8, weight: u256, params: Span<felt252>) internal

Internal wrapper for GovernorCountingTrait::count_vote.

_cast_vote(ref self: ContractState, proposal_id: felt252, account: ContractAddress, support: u8, reason: ByteArray, params: Span<felt252>) → u256 internal

Internal vote-casting mechanism.

Checks that the vote is pending and that it has not been cast yet. This function retrieves the voting weight using get_votes and then calls the _count_vote internal function.

Emits either:


ProposalCreated(proposal_id: felt252, proposer: ContractAddress, calls: Span<Call>, signatures: Span<Span<felt252>>, vote_start: u64, vote_end: u64, description: ByteArray) event

Emitted when a proposal is created.

ProposalQueued(proposal_id: felt252, eta_seconds: u64) event

Emitted when a proposal is queued.

ProposalExecuted(proposal_id: felt252) event

Emitted when a proposal is executed.

ProposalCanceled(proposal_id: felt252) event

Emitted when a proposal is canceled.

VoteCast(voter: ContractAddress, proposal_id: felt252, support: u8, weight: u256, reason: ByteArray) event

Emitted when a vote is cast.

VoteCastWithParams(voter: ContractAddress, proposal_id: felt252, support: u8, weight: u256, reason: ByteArray, params: Span<felt252>) event

Emitted when a vote is cast with params.

Governor extensions

The Governor component can (and must) be extended by implementing the extensions traits to add the desired functionality. This can be achieved by directly implementing the traits on your contract, or by using a set of ready-to-use extensions provided by the library, which are presented below.


use openzeppelin_governance::governor::extensions::GovernorCoreExecutionComponent;

Extension of GovernorComponent providing an execution mechanism directly through the Governor itself. For a timelocked execution mechanism, see GovernorTimelockExecutionComponent.

Extension traits functions

state(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252) → ProposalState internal

Returns the state of a proposal given its id.


  • The proposal must exist.

executor(self: @ContractState) → ContractAddress internal

Returns the executor address.

In this case, it returns the governor contract address since execution is performed directly through it.

execute_operations(ref self: ContractState, proposal_id: felt252, calls: Span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) internal

Executes the proposal’s operations directly through the governor contract.

queue_operations(ref self: ContractState, proposal_id: felt252, calls: Span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) → u64 internal

In this implementation, queuing is not required so it returns 0.

proposal_needs_queuing(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252) → bool internal

In this implementation, it always returns false.

cancel_operations(ref self: ContractState, proposal_id: felt252, description_hash: felt252) internal

Cancels a proposal’s operations.


use openzeppelin_governance::governor::extensions::GovernorCountingSimpleComponent;

Extension of GovernorComponent for simple vote counting with three options.

Extension traits functions

counting_mode(self: @ContractState) → ByteArray internal

Returns "support=bravo&quorum=for,abstain".

  • support=bravo indicates that the support follows the Governor Bravo format where voters can vote For, Against, or Abstain

  • quorum=for,abstain indicates that both For and Abstain votes count toward quorum

count_vote(ref self: ContractState, proposal_id: felt252, account: ContractAddress, support: u8, total_weight: u256, params: Span<felt252>) → u256 internal

Records a vote for a proposal.

The support value follows the VoteType enum (0=Against, 1=For, 2=Abstain).

Returns the weight that was counted.

has_voted(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252, account: ContractAddress) → bool internal

Returns whether an account has cast a vote on a proposal.

quorum_reached(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252) → bool internal

Returns whether a proposal has reached quorum.

In this implementation, both For and Abstain votes count toward quorum.

vote_succeeded(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252) → bool internal

Returns whether a proposal has succeeded.

In this implementation, the For votes must be strictly greater than Against votes.


use openzeppelin_governance::governor::extensions::GovernorSettingsComponent;

Extension of GovernorComponent for settings that are updatable through governance.

Extension traits implementations

Extension traits functions

voting_delay(self: @ContractState) → u64 internal

Returns the delay, between when a proposal is created and when voting starts.

voting_period(self: @ContractState) → u64 internal

Returns the time period, during which votes can be cast.

proposal_threshold(self: @ContractState) → u256 internal

Returns the minimum number of votes required for an account to create a proposal.

Embeddable functions

set_voting_delay(ref self: ContractState, new_voting_delay: u64) external

Sets the voting delay.


  • Caller must be the governance executor.

This function does not emit an event if the new voting delay is the same as the old one.

May emit a VotingDelayUpdated event.

set_voting_period(ref self: ContractState, new_voting_period: u64) external

Sets the voting period.

This function does not emit an event if the new voting period is the same as the old one.


  • Caller must be the governance executor.

  • new_voting_period must be greater than 0.

May emit a VotingPeriodUpdated event.

set_proposal_threshold(ref self: ContractState, new_proposal_threshold: u256) external

Sets the proposal threshold.

This function does not emit an event if the new proposal threshold is the same as the old one.


  • Caller must be the governance executor.

May emit a ProposalThresholdUpdated event.

Internal functions

initializer(ref self: ContractState, initial_voting_delay: u64, initial_voting_period: u64, initial_proposal_threshold: u256) internal

Initializes the component by setting the default values.


  • new_voting_period must be greater than 0.

assert_only_governance(ref self: ContractState) internal

Asserts that the caller is the governance executor.

_set_voting_delay(ref self: ContractState, new_voting_delay: u64) internal

Internal function to update the voting delay.

This function does not emit an event if the new voting delay is the same as the old one.

May emit a VotingDelayUpdated event.

_set_voting_period(ref self: ContractState, new_voting_period: u64) internal

Internal function to update the voting period.


  • new_voting_period must be greater than 0.

This function does not emit an event if the new voting period is the same as the old one.

May emit a VotingPeriodUpdated event.

_set_proposal_threshold(ref self: ContractState, new_proposal_threshold: u256) internal

Internal function to update the proposal threshold.

This function does not emit an event if the new proposal threshold is the same as the old one.

May emit a ProposalThresholdUpdated event.


VotingDelayUpdated(old_voting_delay: u64, new_voting_delay: u64) event

Emitted when the voting delay is updated.

VotingPeriodUpdated(old_voting_period: u64, new_voting_period: u64) event

Emitted when the voting period is updated.

ProposalThresholdUpdated(old_proposal_threshold: u256, new_proposal_threshold: u256) event

Emitted when the proposal threshold is updated.


use openzeppelin_governance::governor::extensions::GovernorVotesComponent;

Extension of GovernorComponent for voting weight extraction from a token with the IVotes extension.

Extension traits implementations
Embeddable implementations
Internal implementations

Extension traits functions

clock(self: @ContractState) → u64 internal

Returns the current timepoint according to the time mode the contract is operating in.

In this implementation, returns the current block timestamp.

VotesComponent always uses the block timestamp for tracking checkpoints. This must be updated in order to allow for more flexible clock modes.

clock_mode(self: @ContractState) → ByteArray internal

Returns "mode=timestamp&from=starknet::SN_MAIN".

get_votes(self: @ContractState, account: ContractAddress, timepoint: u64, params: Span<felt252>) → u256 internal

Returns the voting power of account at a specific timepoint using the votes token.

Embeddable functions

token(self: @ContractState) → ContractAddress external

Returns the votes token that voting power is sourced from.

Internal functions

initializer(ref self: ContractState, votes_token: ContractAddress) internal

Initializes the component by setting the votes token.


  • votes_token must not be zero.


use openzeppelin_governance::governor::extensions::GovernorVotesQuorumFractionComponent;

Extension of GovernorComponent for voting weight extraction from a token with the IVotes extension and a quorum expressed as a fraction of the total supply.

Extension traits implementations

Extension traits functions

quorum(self: @ContractState, timepoint: u64) → u256 internal

It is computed as a percentage of the votes token total supply at a given timepoint in the past.

clock(self: @ContractState) → u64 internal

Returns the current timepoint according to the time mode the contract is operating in.

In this implementation, returns the current block timestamp.

clock_mode(self: @ContractState) → ByteArray internal

Returns "mode=timestamp&from=starknet::SN_MAIN".

get_votes(self: @ContractState, account: ContractAddress, timepoint: u64, params: Span<felt252>) → u256 internal

Returns the voting power of account at a specific timepoint using the votes token.

Embeddable functions

token(self: @ContractState) → ContractAddress external

Returns the address of the votes token used for voting power extraction.

current_quorum_numerator(self: @ContractState) → u256 external

Returns the current quorum numerator value.

quorum_numerator(self: @ContractState, timepoint: u64) → u256 external

Returns the quorum numerator value at a specific timepoint in the past.

quorum_denominator(self: @ContractState) → u256 external

Returns the quorum denominator value.

Internal functions

initializer(self: @ComponentState<TContractState>, votes_token: ContractAddress, quorum_numerator: u256) internal

Initializes the component by setting the votes token and the initial quorum numerator value.


  • votes_token must not be zero.

  • quorum_numerator must be less than quorum_denominator.

Emits a QuorumNumeratorUpdated event.

update_quorum_numerator(self: @ComponentState<TContractState>, new_quorum_numerator: u256) internal

Updates the quorum numerator.

This function does not emit an event if the new quorum numerator is the same as the old one.


  • new_quorum_numerator must be less than quorum_denominator.

May emit a QuorumNumeratorUpdated event.


QuorumNumeratorUpdated(old_quorum_numerator: u256, new_quorum_numerator: u256) event

Emitted when the quorum numerator is updated.


use openzeppelin_governance::governor::extensions::GovernorTimelockExecutionComponent;

Extension of GovernorComponent that binds the execution process to an instance of a contract implementing TimelockControllerComponent. This adds a delay, enforced by the timelock to all successful proposals (in addition to the voting duration).

The Governor needs the PROPOSER, EXECUTOR, and CANCELLER roles to work properly.

Using this model means the proposal will be operated by the timelock and not by the governor. Thus, the assets and permissions must be attached to the timelock. Any asset sent to the governor will be inaccessible from a proposal, unless executed via Governor::relay.

Setting up the timelock to have additional proposers or cancellers besides the governor is very risky, as it grants them the ability to: 1) execute operations as the timelock, and thus possibly performing operations or accessing funds that are expected to only be accessible through a vote, and 2) block governance proposals that have been approved by the voters, effectively executing a Denial of Service attack.

Extension traits functions

state(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252) → ProposalState internal

Returns the state of a proposal given its id.


  • The proposal must exist.

executor(self: @ContractState) → ContractAddress internal

Returns the executor address.

In this module, the executor is the timelock controller.

execute_operations(ref self: ContractState, proposal_id: felt252, calls: Span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) internal

Runs the already queued proposal through the timelock.

queue_operations(ref self: ContractState, proposal_id: felt252, calls: Span<Call>, description_hash: felt252) → u64 internal

Queue a proposal to the timelock.

Returns the eta for the execution of the queued proposal.

proposal_needs_queuing(self: @ContractState, proposal_id: felt252) → bool internal

In this implementation, it always returns true.

cancel_operations(ref self: ContractState, proposal_id: felt252, description_hash: felt252) internal

Cancels the timelocked proposal if it has already been queued.

Embeddable functions

timelock(self: @ContractState) → ContractAddress external

Returns the timelock controller address.

get_timelock_id(self: @ContractState) → felt252 external

Returns the timelock proposal id for a given proposal id.

update_timelock(ref self: ContractState, new_timelock: ContractAddress) external

Updates the associated timelock.


  • The caller must be the governance.

Emits a TimelockUpdated event.

Internal functions

initializer(ref self: ContractState, timelock: ContractAddress) internal

Initializes the timelock controller.


  • The timelock must not be the zero address.

assert_only_governance(self: @ContractState) internal

Ensures the caller is the executor (the timelock controller in this case).

timelock_salt(self: @ContractState, description_hash: felt252) → felt252 internal

Computes the TimelockController operation salt as the XOR of the governor address and description_hash.

It is computed with the governor address itself to avoid collisions across governor instances using the same timelock.

get_timelock_dispatcher(self: @ContractState) → ITimelockDispatcher internal

Returns a dispatcher for interacting with the timelock controller.

_update_timelock(ref self: ContractState, new_timelock: ContractAddress) internal

Internal function to update the timelock controller address.

Emits a TimelockUpdated event.


TimelockUpdated(old_timelock: ContractAddress, new_timelock: ContractAddress) event

Emitted when the timelock controller is updated.


In a governance system, TimelockControllerComponent is in charge of introducing a delay between a proposal and its execution.


use openzeppelin_governance::timelock::interface::ITimelock;

Interface of a timelock contract.


is_operation(id: felt252) → bool external

Returns whether id corresponds to a registered operation. This includes the OperationStates: Waiting, Ready, and Done.

is_operation_pending(id: felt252) → bool external

Returns whether the id OperationState is pending or not. Note that a pending operation may be either Waiting or Ready.

is_operation_ready(id: felt252) → bool external

Returns whether the id OperationState is Ready or not.

is_operation_done(id: felt252) → bool external

Returns whether the id OperationState is Done or not.

get_timestamp(id: felt252) → u64 external

Returns the timestamp at which id becomes Ready.

0 means the OperationState is Unset and 1 means the OperationState is Done.

get_operation_state(id: felt252) → OperationState external

Returns the OperationState for id.

get_min_delay() → u64 external

Returns the minimum delay in seconds for an operation to become valid. This value can be changed by executing an operation that calls update_delay.

hash_operation(call: Call, predecessor: felt252, salt: felt252) external

Returns the identifier of an operation containing a single transaction.

hash_operation_batch(calls: Span<Call>, predecessor: felt252, salt: felt252) external

Returns the identifier of an operation containing a batch of transactions.

schedule(call: Call, predecessor: felt252, salt: felt252, delay: u64) external

Schedule an operation containing a single transaction.


  • The caller must have the PROPOSER_ROLE role.

Emits CallScheduled event. Emits CallSalt event if salt is not zero.

schedule_batch(calls: Span<Call>, predecessor: felt252, salt: felt252, delay: u64) external

Schedule an operation containing a batch of transactions.


  • The caller must have the PROPOSER_ROLE role.

Emits one CallScheduled event for each transaction in the batch. Emits CallSalt event if salt is not zero.

cancel(id: felt252) external

Cancel an operation.


  • The caller must have the CANCELLER_ROLE role.

  • id must be an operation.

Emits a CallCancelled event.

execute(call: Call, predecessor: felt252, salt: felt252) external

Execute a (Ready) operation containing a single Call.


  • Caller must have EXECUTOR_ROLE.

  • id must be in Ready OperationState.

  • predecessor must either be 0 or in Done OperationState.

Emits a CallExecuted event.

This function can reenter, but it doesn’t pose a risk because _after_call(self: @ContractState, id: felt252) internal checks that the proposal is pending, thus any modifications to the operation during reentrancy should be caught.

execute_batch(calls: Span<Call>, predecessor: felt252, salt: felt252) external

Execute a (Ready) operation containing a batch of Calls.


  • Caller must have EXECUTOR_ROLE.

  • id must be in Ready OperationState.

  • predecessor must either be 0 or in Done OperationState.

Emits a CallExecuted event for each Call.

This function can reenter, but it doesn’t pose a risk because _after_call checks that the proposal is pending, thus any modifications to the operation during reentrancy should be caught.

update_delay(new_delay: u64) external

Changes the minimum timelock duration for future operations.


  • The caller must be the timelock itself. This can only be achieved by scheduling and later executing an operation where the timelock is the target and the data is the serialized call to this function.

Emits a MinDelayChanged event.


CallScheduled(id: felt252, index: felt252, call: Call, predecessor: felt252, delay: u64) event

Emitted when call is scheduled as part of operation id.

CallExecuted(id: felt252, index: felt252, call: Call) event

Emitted when call is performed as part of operation id.

CallSalt(id: felt252, salt: felt252) event

Emitted when a new proposal is scheduled with non-zero salt.

CallCancelled(id: felt252) event

Emitted when operation id is cancelled.

MinDelayChanged(old_duration: u64, new_duration: u64) event

Emitted when the minimum delay for future operations is modified.


use openzeppelin_governance::timelock::TimelockControllerComponent;

Component that implements ITimelock and enables the implementing contract to act as a timelock controller.

Embeddable functions

is_operation(self: @ContractState, id: felt252) → bool external

Returns whether id corresponds to a registered operation. This includes the OperationStates: Waiting, Ready, and Done.

is_operation_pending(self: @ContractState, id: felt252) → bool external

Returns whether the id OperationState is pending or not. Note that a pending operation may be either Waiting or Ready.

is_operation_ready(self: @ContractState, id: felt252) → bool external

Returns whether the id OperationState is Ready or not.

is_operation_done(self: @ContractState, id: felt252) → bool external

Returns whether the id OperationState is Done or not.

get_timestamp(self: @ContractState, id: felt252) → u64 external

Returns the timestamp at which id becomes Ready.

0 means the OperationState is Unset and 1 means the OperationState is Done.

get_operation_state(self: @ContractState, id: felt252) → OperationState external

Returns the OperationState for id.

get_min_delay(self: @ContractState) → u64 external

Returns the minimum delay in seconds for an operation to become valid. This value can be changed by executing an operation that calls update_delay.

hash_operation(self: @ContractState, call: Call, predecessor: felt252, salt: felt252) external

Returns the identifier of an operation containing a single transaction.

hash_operation_batch(self: @ContractState, calls: Span<Call>, predecessor: felt252, salt: felt252) external

Returns the identifier of an operation containing a batch of transactions.

schedule(ref self: ContractState, call: Call, predecessor: felt252, salt: felt252, delay: u64) external

Schedule an operation containing a single transaction.


  • The caller must have the PROPOSER_ROLE role.

  • The proposal must not already exist.

  • delay must be greater than or equal to the min delay.

Emits CallScheduled event. Emits CallSalt event if salt is not zero.

schedule_batch(ref self: ContractState, calls: Span<Call>, predecessor: felt252, salt: felt252, delay: u64) external

Schedule an operation containing a batch of transactions.


  • The caller must have the PROPOSER_ROLE role.

  • The proposal must not already exist.

  • delay must be greater than or equal to the min delay.

Emits one CallScheduled event for each transaction in the batch. Emits CallSalt event if salt is not zero.

cancel(ref self: ContractState, id: felt252) external

Cancel an operation.


  • The caller must have the CANCELLER_ROLE role.

  • id must be an operation.

Emits a CallCancelled event.

execute(ref self: ContractState, call: Call, predecessor: felt252, salt: felt252) external

Execute a (Ready) operation containing a single Call.


  • Caller must have EXECUTOR_ROLE.

  • id must be in Ready OperationState.

  • predecessor must either be 0 or in Done OperationState.

Emits a CallExecuted event.

This function can reenter, but it doesn’t pose a risk because _after_call(self: @ContractState, id: felt252) internal checks that the proposal is pending, thus any modifications to the operation during reentrancy should be caught.

execute_batch(ref self: ContractState, calls: Span<Call>, predecessor: felt252, salt: felt252) external

Execute a (Ready) operation containing a batch of Calls.


  • Caller must have EXECUTOR_ROLE.

  • id must be in Ready OperationState.

  • predecessor must either be 0 or in Done OperationState.

Emits a CallExecuted event for each Call.

This function can reenter, but it doesn’t pose a risk because _after_call checks that the proposal is pending, thus any modifications to the operation during reentrancy should be caught.

update_delay(ref self: ContractState, new_delay: u64) external

Changes the minimum timelock duration for future operations.


  • The caller must be the timelock itself. This can only be achieved by scheduling and later executing an operation where the timelock is the target and the data is the serialized call to this function.

Emits a MinDelayChanged event.

Internal functions

initializer(ref self: ContractState, min_delay: u64, proposers: Span<ContractAddress>, executors: Span<ContractState>, admin: ContractAddress) internal

Initializes the contract by registering support for SRC5 and AccessControl.

This function also configures the contract with the following parameters:

  • min_delay: initial minimum delay in seconds for operations.

  • proposers: accounts to be granted proposer and canceller roles.

  • executors: accounts to be granted executor role.

  • admin: optional account to be granted admin role; disable with zero address.

The optional admin can aid with initial configuration of roles after deployment without being subject to delay, but this role should be subsequently renounced in favor of administration through timelocked proposals.

Emits two IAccessControl::RoleGranted events for each account in proposers with PROPOSER_ROLE and CANCELLER_ROLE roles.

Emits a IAccessControl::RoleGranted event for each account in executors with EXECUTOR_ROLE role.

May emit a IAccessControl::RoleGranted event for admin with DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE role (if admin is not zero).

Emits MinDelayChanged event.

assert_only_role(self: @ContractState, role: felt252) internal

Validates that the caller has the given role. Otherwise it panics.

assert_only_role_or_open_role(self: @ContractState, role: felt252) internal

Validates that the caller has the given role. If role is granted to the zero address, then this is considered an open role which allows anyone to be the caller.

assert_only_self(self: @ContractState) internal

Validates that the caller is the timelock contract itself. Otherwise it panics.

_before_call(self: @ContractState, id: felt252, predecessor: felt252) internal

Private function that checks before execution of an operation’s calls.


  • id must be in the Ready OperationState.

  • predecessor must either be zero or be in the Done OperationState.

_after_call(self: @ContractState, id: felt252) internal

Private function that checks after execution of an operation’s calls and sets the OperationState of id to Done.


  • id must be in the Ready OperationState.

_schedule(ref self: ContractState, id: felt252, delay: u64) internal

Private function that schedules an operation that is to become valid after a given delay.

_execute(ref self: ContractState, call: Call) internal

Private function that executes an operation’s calls.


CallScheduled(id: felt252, index: felt252, call: Call, predecessor: felt252, delay: u64) event

Emitted when call is scheduled as part of operation id.

CallExecuted(id: felt252, index: felt252, call: Call) event

Emitted when call is performed as part of operation id.

CallSalt(id: felt252, salt: felt252) event

Emitted when a new proposal is scheduled with non-zero salt.

CallCancelled(id: felt252) event

Emitted when operation id is cancelled.

MinDelayChanged(old_duration: u64, new_duration: u64) event

Emitted when the minimum delay for future operations is modified.


The VotesComponent provides a flexible system for tracking and delegating voting power. This system allows users to delegate their voting power to other addresses, enabling more active participation in governance.


use openzeppelin_governance::votes::interface::IVotes;

Common interface for Votes-enabled contracts.


get_votes(account: ContractAddress) → u256 external

Returns the current amount of votes that account has.

get_past_votes(account: ContractAddress, timepoint: u64) → u256 external

Returns the amount of votes that account had at a specific moment in the past.

get_past_total_supply(timepoint: u64) → u256 external

Returns the total supply of votes available at a specific moment in the past.

This value is the sum of all available votes, which is not necessarily the sum of all delegated votes. Votes that have not been delegated are still part of total supply, even though they would not participate in a vote.

delegates(account: ContractAddress) → ContractAddress external

Returns the delegate that account has chosen.

delegate(delegatee: ContractAddress) external

Delegates votes from the sender to delegatee.

delegate_by_sig(delegator: ContractAddress, delegatee: ContractAddress, nonce: felt252, expiry: u64, signature: Span<felt252>) external

Delegates votes from delegator to delegatee through a SNIP-12 message signature validation.


use openzeppelin_governance::votes::VotesComponent;

Component that implements the IVotes interface and provides a flexible system for tracking and delegating voting power.

By default, token balance does not account for voting power. This makes transfers cheaper. The downside is that it requires users to delegate to themselves in order to activate checkpoints and have their voting power tracked.

When using this module, your contract must implement the VotingUnitsTrait. For convenience, this is done automatically for ERC20 and ERC721 tokens.
Voting Units Trait Implementations


get_voting_units(self: @ContractState, account: ContractAddress) → u256 internal

Returns the number of voting units for a given account.

This implementation is specific to ERC20 tokens, where the balance of tokens directly represents the number of voting units.

This implementation will work out of the box if the ERC20 component is implemented in the final contract.
This implementation assumes tokens map to voting units 1:1. Any deviation from this formula when transferring voting units (e.g. by using hooks) may compromise the internal vote accounting.


get_voting_units(self: @ContractState, account: ContractAddress) → u256 internal

Returns the number of voting units for a given account.

This implementation is specific to ERC721 tokens, where each token represents one voting unit. The function returns the balance of ERC721 tokens for the specified account.

This implementation will work out of the box if the ERC721 component is implemented in the final contract.
This implementation assumes tokens map to voting units 1:1. Any deviation from this formula when transferring voting units (e.g. by using hooks) may compromise the internal vote accounting.

Embeddable functions

get_votes(self: @ContractState, account: ContractAddress) → u256 external

Returns the current amount of votes that account has.

get_past_votes(self: @ContractState, account: ContractAddress, timepoint: u64) → u256 external

Returns the amount of votes that account had at a specific moment in the past.


  • timepoint must be in the past.

get_past_total_supply(self: @ContractState, timepoint: u64) → u256 external

Returns the total supply of votes available at a specific moment in the past.

This value is the sum of all available votes, which is not necessarily the sum of all delegated votes. Votes that have not been delegated are still part of total supply, even though they would not participate in a vote.


  • timepoint must be in the past.

delegates(self: @ContractState, account: ContractAddress) → ContractAddress external

Returns the delegate that account has chosen.

delegate(ref self: ContractState, delegatee: ContractAddress) external

Delegates votes from the sender to delegatee.

Emits a DelegateChanged event.

May emit one or two DelegateVotesChanged events.

delegate_by_sig(ref self: ContractState, delegator: ContractAddress, delegatee: ContractAddress, nonce: felt252, expiry: u64, signature: Span<felt252>) external

Delegates votes from delegator to delegatee through a SNIP-12 message signature validation.


  • expiry must not be in the past.

  • nonce must match the account’s current nonce.

  • delegator must implement SRC6::is_valid_signature.

  • signature should be valid for the message hash.

Emits a DelegateChanged event.

May emit one or two DelegateVotesChanged events.

Internal functions

get_total_supply(self: @ContractState) → u256 internal

Returns the current total supply of votes.

move_delegate_votes(ref self: ContractState, from: ContractAddress, to: ContractAddress, amount: u256) internal

Moves delegated votes from one delegate to another.

May emit one or two DelegateVotesChanged events.

transfer_voting_units(ref self: ContractState, from: ContractAddress, to: ContractAddress, amount: u256) internal

Transfers, mints, or burns voting units.

To register a mint, from should be zero. To register a burn, to should be zero. Total supply of voting units will be adjusted with mints and burns.

If voting units are based on an underlying transferable asset (like a token), you must call this function every time the asset is transferred to keep the internal voting power accounting in sync. For ERC20 and ERC721 tokens, this is typically handled using hooks.

May emit one or two DelegateVotesChanged events.

num_checkpoints(self: @ContractState, account: ContractAddress) → u64 internal

Returns the number of checkpoints for account.

checkpoints(self: @ContractState, account: ContractAddress, pos: u64) → Checkpoint internal

Returns the pos-th checkpoint for account.

_delegate(ref self: ContractState, account: ContractAddress, delegatee: ContractAddress) internal

Delegates all of account's voting units to delegatee.

Emits a DelegateChanged event.

May emit one or two DelegateVotesChanged events.


DelegateChanged(delegator: ContractAddress, from_delegate: ContractAddress, to_delegate: ContractAddress) event

Emitted when an account changes their delegate.

DelegateVotesChanged(delegate: ContractAddress, previous_votes: u256, new_votes: u256) event

Emitted when a token transfer or delegate change results in changes to a delegate’s number of votes.


pub trait VotingUnitsTrait<TState> {
    fn get_voting_units(self: @TState, account: ContractAddress) -> u256;

A trait that must be implemented when integrating VotesComponent into a contract. It offers a mechanism to retrieve the number of voting units for a given account at the current time.


get_voting_units(self: @TState, account: ContractAddress) → u256 external

Returns the number of voting units for a given account. For ERC20, this is typically the token balance. For ERC721, this is typically the number of tokens owned.

While any formula can be used as a measure of voting units, the internal vote accounting of the contract may be compromised if voting units are transferred in any external flow by following a different formula.
For example, when implementing the hook for ERC20, the number of voting units transferred should match the formula given by the get_voting_units implementation.