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This contract allows to split Ether payments among a group of accounts. The sender does not need to be aware that the Ether will be split in this way, since it is handled transparently by the contract.

The split can be in equal parts or in any other arbitrary proportion. The way this is specified is by assigning each account to a number of shares. Of all the Ether that this contract receives, each account will then be able to claim an amount proportional to the percentage of total shares they were assigned.

PaymentSplitter follows a pull payment model. This means that payments are not automatically forwarded to the accounts but kept in this contract, and the actual transfer is triggered as a separate step by calling the release function.

constructor([.var-type]#address[# payees, uint256[] shares)] public

Creates an instance of PaymentSplitter where each account in payees is assigned the number of shares at the matching position in the shares array.

All addresses in payees must be non-zero. Both arrays must have the same non-zero length, and there must be no duplicates in payees.

fallback() external

The Ether received will be logged with PaymentReceived events. Note that these events are not fully reliable: it’s possible for a contract to receive Ether without triggering this function. This only affects the reliability of the events, and not the actual splitting of Ether.

To learn more about this see the Solidity documentation for fallback functions.

totalShares() → uint256 public

Getter for the total shares held by payees.

totalReleased() → uint256 public

Getter for the total amount of Ether already released.

shares(address account) → uint256 public

Getter for the amount of shares held by an account.

released(address account) → uint256 public

Getter for the amount of Ether already released to a payee.

payee(uint256 index) → address public

Getter for the address of the payee number index.

release(address payable account) public

Triggers a transfer to account of the amount of Ether they are owed, according to their percentage of the total shares and their previous withdrawals.

PayeeAdded(address account, uint256 shares) event

PaymentReleased(address to, uint256 amount) event

PaymentReceived(address from, uint256 amount) event


Simple implementation of a pull-payment strategy, where the paying contract doesn’t interact directly with the receiver account, which must withdraw its payments itself.

Pull-payments are often considered the best practice when it comes to sending Ether, security-wise. It prevents recipients from blocking execution, and eliminates reentrancy concerns.

If you would like to learn more about reentrancy and alternative ways to protect against it, check out our blog post Reentrancy After Istanbul.

To use, derive from the PullPayment contract, and use _asyncTransfer instead of Solidity’s transfer function. Payees can query their due payments with payments, and retrieve them with withdrawPayments.

constructor() internal

withdrawPayments(address payable payee) public

Withdraw accumulated payments.

Note that any account can call this function, not just the payee. This means that contracts unaware of the PullPayment protocol can still receive funds this way, by having a separate account call withdrawPayments.

This function has been deprecated, use withdrawPaymentsWithGas instead. Calling contracts with fixed gas limits is an anti-pattern and may break contract interactions in network upgrades (hardforks). Learn more.

withdrawPaymentsWithGas(address payable payee) external

Same as withdrawPayments, but forwarding all gas to the recipient.

Forwarding all gas opens the door to reentrancy vulnerabilities. Make sure you trust the recipient, or are either following the checks-effects-interactions pattern or using ReentrancyGuard.

Available since v2.4.0.

payments(address dest) → uint256 public

Returns the payments owed to an address.

_asyncTransfer(address dest, uint256 amount) internal

Called by the payer to store the sent amount as credit to be pulled. Funds sent in this way are stored in an intermediate Escrow contract, so there is no danger of them being spent before withdrawal.



Base escrow contract, holds funds designated for a payee until they withdraw them.

Intended usage: This contract (and derived escrow contracts) should be a standalone contract, that only interacts with the contract that instantiated it. That way, it is guaranteed that all Ether will be handled according to the Escrow rules, and there is no need to check for payable functions or transfers in the inheritance tree. The contract that uses the escrow as its payment method should be its primary, and provide public methods redirecting to the escrow’s deposit and withdraw.


depositsOf(address payee) → uint256 public

deposit(address payee) public

Stores the sent amount as credit to be withdrawn.

withdraw(address payable payee) public

Withdraw accumulated balance for a payee, forwarding 2300 gas (a Solidity transfer).

This function has been deprecated, use withdrawWithGas instead. Calling contracts with fixed-gas limits is an anti-pattern and may break contract interactions in network upgrades (hardforks). Learn more.

withdrawWithGas(address payable payee) public

Same as withdraw, but forwarding all gas to the recipient.

Forwarding all gas opens the door to reentrancy vulnerabilities. Make sure you trust the recipient, or are either following the checks-effects-interactions pattern or using ReentrancyGuard.

Available since v2.4.0.

Deposited(address payee, uint256 weiAmount) event

Withdrawn(address payee, uint256 weiAmount) event


Base abstract escrow to only allow withdrawal if a condition is met. Intended usage: See Escrow. Same usage guidelines apply here.


withdrawalAllowed(address payee) → bool public

Returns whether an address is allowed to withdraw their funds. To be implemented by derived contracts.

withdraw(address payable payee) public


Escrow that holds funds for a beneficiary, deposited from multiple parties. Intended usage: See Escrow. Same usage guidelines apply here. The primary account (that is, the contract that instantiates this contract) may deposit, close the deposit period, and allow for either withdrawal by the beneficiary, or refunds to the depositors. All interactions with RefundEscrow will be made through the primary contract. See the RefundableCrowdsale contract for an example of RefundEscrow’s use.


constructor(address payable beneficiary) public


state() → enum RefundEscrow.State public

beneficiary() → address public

deposit(address refundee) public

Stores funds that may later be refunded.

close() public

Allows for the beneficiary to withdraw their funds, rejecting further deposits.

enableRefunds() public

Allows for refunds to take place, rejecting further deposits.

beneficiaryWithdraw() public

Withdraws the beneficiary’s funds.

withdrawalAllowed(address) → bool public

Returns whether refundees can withdraw their deposits (be refunded). The overridden function receives a 'payee' argument, but we ignore it here since the condition is global, not per-payee.

RefundsClosed() event

RefundsEnabled() event