CLI Reference

Here you can find a complete reference of the core commands Nile provides by default.

Project management

nile node

Run a local starknet-devnet node.

  • --host

    Specify the address to listen at.

    Defaults to (use the address the program outputs on start).

  • --port

    Specify the port to listen at. Defaults to 5050.

  • --seed

    Specify the seed for randomness of accounts to be deployed.

  • --lite-mode

    Applies all lite-mode optimizations by disabling features such as block hash and deploy hash calculation.

nile compile [PATH_TO_CONTRACT]

Compile Cairo contracts.

Compilation artifacts are written into the artifacts/ directory.


    Specify the path to a contract for compiling.

  • --directory

    Specify a directory to compile contracts from.

  • --account_contract

    As of cairo-lang v0.8.0, users must compile account contracts with the --account_contract flag. Nile automatically inserts the flag if the contract’s name ends with Account. i.e. Account.cairo, EthAccount.cairo. Otherwise, the flag must be included by the user.

    nile compile contracts/NewAccountType.cairo --account_contract # compiles account contract
  • --cairo_path

    Specify which directories the compiler must use to resolve imports from Cairo.

    Check Import search paths from StarkNet documentation.
  • --disable-hint-validation

    Compile allowing unwhitelisted hints.

nile setup <PRIVATE_KEY_ALIAS>

Deploy an Account associated with a given private key.

This command takes an alias instead of the actual private key to avoid accidentally leaking private keys. This alias is associated with an environmental variable of the same name, whose value is the private key.
  1. Creates or updates localhost.accounts.json file storing all data related to accounts management.

  2. Creates or updates localhost.deployments.txt file storing all data related to deployments.


    Specify the private key that will own the account to be deployed. Looks for an environment variable with the name of the private key alias.

  • --network

    Select network: one of (localhost, integration, goerli, goerli2, mainnet).

    Default to localhost.

  • --debug and --track

    Watch the status of the account deployment transaction. See the status command for a complete description.


Declare a contract through an Account.


    Specify the alias representing the account to be used.


    Specify the name of the contract artifact to be declared.

  • --network

    Select network: one of (localhost, integration, goerli, goerli2, mainnet).

    Default to localhost.

    Default to localhost.

  • --max_fee

    Specify the max fee you are willing to pay for the transaction.

  • --overriding_path

    Override the directory path for artifacts discovery.

  • --token

    Used for declaring contracts to Alpha Mainnet.

  • --debug and --track

    Watch the status of the account deployment transaction. See the status command for a complete description.

nile deploy <PRIVATE_KEY_ALIAS> <CONTRACT> [arg1, arg2...]

Deploy a contract through an Account.

  1. Creates or updates localhost.deployments.txt file storing all data related to deployments.


    Specify the alias representing the account to be used.


    Specify the name of the contract artifact to be deployed.

  • ARGS

    Optional calldata arguments for the constructor.

  • --network

    Select network: one of (localhost, integration, goerli, goerli2, mainnet).

    Default to localhost.

    Default to localhost.

  • --max_fee

    Specify the max fee you are willing to pay for the transaction.

  • --salt

    Set the base salt for address generation.

  • --unique

    Specify that the account address should be taken into account for target address generation.

  • --abi

    Override artifact abi to be registered. Useful for proxies.

  • --deployer_address

    Specify the deployer contract if needed.

  • --ignore_account

    Deploy without using an account (DEPRECATED).

  • --token

    Used for deploying contracts to Alpha Mainnet.

  • --debug and --track

    Watch the status of the account deployment transaction. See the status command for a complete description.

nile call <CONTRACT_ID> <METHOD> [arg1, arg2...]

Perform reading operations against a network.


    Specify the contract to call (either alias or address).


    Specify the method to call.

  • ARGS

    Optional calldata arguments for the method to query.

  • --network

    Select network: one of (localhost, integration, goerli, goerli2, mainnet).

    Default to localhost.

    Default to localhost.

nile send <PRIVATE_KEY_ALIAS> <CONTRACT_ID> <METHOD> [arg1, arg2...]

Execute a transaction through an Account.


    Specify the alias representing the account to be used.


    Specify the contract to call (either alias or address).


    Specify the method to execute.

  • ARGS

    Optional calldata arguments for the method to execute.

  • --network

    Select network: one of (localhost, integration, goerli, goerli2, mainnet).

    Default to localhost.

    Default to localhost.

  • --max_fee

    Specify the max fee you are willing to pay for the transaction.

  • --simulate and --estimate_fee

    Flags for querying the network without executing the transaction.

  • --debug and --track

    Watch the status of the account deployment transaction. See the status command for a complete description.

nile counterfactual-address <PRIVATE_KEY_ALIAS>

Precompute the deployment address of an Account contract.


    Specify the alias representing the private key to be used.

  • --salt

    Specify the salt for the address generation.

    Default to 0.

nile status <TX_HASH>

Query the current status of a transaction.


    Specify the hash of the transaction to query.

  • --network

    Select network: one of (localhost, integration, goerli, goerli2, mainnet).

    Default to localhost.

    Default to localhost.

  • --track

    Continue probing the network in case of pending transaction states.

  • --debug

    Use locally available contracts to make error messages from rejected transactions more explicit.

    Implies --track.

  • --contracts_file

    Override the deployments file to query the contract artifacts from.

    Default to <NETWORK>.deployments.txt.

nile debug <TX_HASH>

Alias for nile status --debug.

nile get-accounts

Retrieve a list of ready-to-use accounts which allows for easy scripting integration.

The list of accounts includes only those that exist in the local <NETWORK>.accounts.json file. In a recent release we added a flag to the command, to get predeployed accounts if the network you are connected to is a starknet-devnet instance.

Sending transactions through predeployed accounts can be done through scripting, but the current CLI version doesn’t allow using these accounts for nile send.

  • --network

    Select network: one of (localhost, integration, goerli, goerli2, mainnet).

    Default to localhost.

    Default to localhost.

  • --predeployed

    Query a devnet node for predeployed accounts.

nile get-nonce <ADDRESS>

Retrieve the nonce for a contract (usually an account).


    Specify the address of the contract to query.

  • --network

    Select network: one of (localhost, integration, goerli, goerli2, mainnet).

    Default to localhost.

    Default to localhost.

nile get-balance <ADDRESS>

Retrieve the Ether balance for a contract.


    Specify the address of the contract to query.

  • --network

    Select network: one of (localhost, integration, goerli, goerli2, mainnet).

    Default to localhost.

    Default to localhost.

nile run <PATH_TO_SCRIPT>

Execute a script in the context of NRE.


    Path to the script to run.

  • --network

    Select network: one of (localhost, integration, goerli, goerli2, mainnet).

    Default to localhost.

    Default to localhost.

nile clean

Deletes the artifacts/ folder and deployments files.

nile init

Scaffold a simple Nile project.

nile version

Print out the Nile version.