NRE Reference

Here you can find a complete reference of the functions provided by the Nile Runtime Environment, and a reference of the Account methods.


Functions provided within the NRE object.


compile(contracts, cairo_path=None) → None

Compile a list of contracts.

  • contracts

    List of contracts to compile.

  • cairo_path

    Specify a set of directories for the Cairo compiler to resolve imports.


call(address_or_alias, method, params=None, abi=None) → output

Call a view function in a smart contract.

  • address_or_alias

    Identifier for the contract to call (alias needs to be registered in deployments).

  • method

    Method to call.

  • params

    Arguments for the call.

  • abi

    Override for the abi if necessary.

Return values
  • output

    Output from the underlaying starknet cli call.


get_deployment(address_or_alias) → (address, abi)

Get a deployment by its identifier.

  • address_or_alias

    Contract identifier.

Return values
  • address

    Registered contract address.

  • abi

    Registered contract abi.


get_declaration(hash_or_alias) → class_hash

Get a declared class by its identifier.

  • hash_or_alias

    Contract identifier.

Return values
  • class_hash

    Declared contract class hash.


get_or_deploy_account(signer, watch_mode=None) → account

Get or deploy an Account contract.

  • signer

    Alias representing the private key associated.

  • watch_mode

    Either None, track or debug. Block the execution to query the status of the deployment transaction if needed.

Return values
  • account

    An Account instance matching the signer.


get_accounts(predeployed=False) → accounts

Retrieve and manage deployed accounts.

  • predeployed

    Get predeployed accounts from a starknet-devnet node.

Return values
  • accounts

    A list of registered Accounts.


get_nonce(contract_address) → current_nonce

Retrieve the nonce for a contract.

  • contract_address

    Address of the contract to query.

Return values
  • current_nonce

    Nonce of the contract.


get_balance(contract_address) → balance

Get the Ether balance of an address.

  • contract_address

    Address of the contract to query.

Return values
  • balance

    Balance of the contract.

Account API

Public API of the Account abstraction.


async send(self, address_or_alias, method, calldata, nonce=None, max_fee=None) → transaction

Return a Transaction instance representing an invoke transaction.

  • address_or_alias

    Target contract identifier (alias needs to be registered in deployments).

  • method

    Method to execute.

  • calldata

    Arguments for the call.

  • nonce

    Account nonce. Is automatically computed when is left as None.

  • max_fee

    The max fee you are willing to pay for the transaction execution.

    This value will be usually left as None, because the returned transaction allows to estimate and update the fee later.

Return values


async declare(self, contract_name, nonce=None, max_fee=None, alias=None, overriding_path=None, nile_account=False) → transaction

Return a Transaction instance representing a declare transaction.

  • contract_name

    The name of the contract to declare (for artifacts resolution).

  • nonce

    Account nonce. Is automatically computed when is left as None.

  • max_fee

    The max fee you are willing to pay for the transaction execution.

    This value will be usually left as None, because the returned transaction allows to estimate and update the fee later.

  • alias

    The alias for registering the declared class_hash (DEPRECATED).

  • overriding_path

    Path override for artifacts and abi resolution.

  • nile_account

    Wheter to use the OZ account artifact.

Return values


async deploy_contract(self, contract_name, salt, unique, calldata, nonce=None, max_fee=None, deployer_address=None, alias=None, overriding_path=None, abi=None) → transaction

Return a Transaction instance representing a deploy through UDC transaction. See the Universal Deployer Contract documentation.

  • contract_name

    The name of the contract to deploy (for artifacts resolution).

  • salt and unique

    UDC specific arguments for address generation.

  • calldata

    Contract to deploy constructor arguments.

  • nonce

    Account nonce. Is automatically computed when is left as None.

  • max_fee

    The max fee you are willing to pay for the transaction execution.

    This value will be usually left as None, because the returned transaction allows to estimate and update the fee later.

  • deployer_address

    Specify a different deployer address.

    Default to the UDC address.

  • alias

    The alias for deployment registration.

  • overriding_path

    Path override for artifacts and abi resolution.

  • abi

    Override for the contract ABI (for deployment registration).

Return values

Transaction API

Public API of the Transaction abstraction.


async estimate_fee(self) → max_fee

Return the estimated fee of executing the transaction.

Return values
  • max_fee

    The estimated fee.


async simulate(self) → trace

Return a trace of the simulated execution.

Return values
  • trace

    An object representing the simulation.


async execute(self, watch_mode=None) → (tx_status, log_output)

Execute the transaction.

  • watch_mode

    Allow waiting for the transaction to be included in a block. Either None, track or debug. track to continue probing the network in case of pending transaction states. debug to use locally available contracts to make error messages from rejected transactions more explicit (Implies track).

    Default to None (non blocking).

Return values
  • tx_status

    A Transaction Status object.

  • log_output

    A string representing the output of the inner call.


update_fee(self, max_fee) → self

Update the max_fee modifying the transaction hash.

  • max_fee

    The new max_fee to set.

Return values
  • self

    Return self to allow chaining with execute.