
Branch/Release: release-polkadot-v1.10.0

Source Code


The Treasury pallet provides a “pot” of funds that can be managed by stakeholders in the system and a structure for making spending proposals from this pot.


  • Pallet-specific configs

    • SpendPeriod — Period between successive spends. "Spend" means, treasury spending money to a proposal. SpendPeriod determines how often the treasury pallet distributes the assets to the proposals.

    • Burn — Percentage of spare funds (if any) that are burnt per spend period.

    • BurnDestination — Handler for the unbalanced decrease when treasury funds are burned.

    • SpendFunds — Runtime hooks to external pallet using treasury to compute spend funds.

    • MaxApprovals — The maximum number of approvals that can wait in the spending queue. NOTE: This parameter is also used within the Bounties Pallet extension if enabled.

    • AssetKind — Type parameter representing the asset kinds to be spent from the treasury.

    • Beneficiary — Type parameter used to identify the beneficiaries eligible to receive treasury spends.

    • BeneficiaryLookup — Converting trait to take a source type and convert to [Self::Beneficiary].

    • Paymaster — Type for processing spends of [Self::AssetKind] in favor of [Self::Beneficiary].

    • BalanceConverter — Type for converting the balance of an [Self::AssetKind] to the balance of the native asset, solely for the purpose of asserting the result against the maximum allowed spend amount of the [Self::SpendOrigin].

    • PayoutPeriod — The period during which an approved treasury spend has to be claimed by the beneficiary of the proposal.

  • Pallet-specific origins:

    • RejectOrigin — Origin from which rejections must come.

    • SpendOrigin — The origin required for approving spends from the treasury outside of the proposal process. The Success value is the maximum amount in a native asset that this origin is allowed to spend at a time.

  • Common configs

    • Currency — The staking balance.

    • RuntimeEvent — The overarching event type.

    • PalletId — The treasury’s pallet id, used for deriving its sovereign account ID.

    • WeightInfo — Weight information for extrinsics in this pallet.

    • BenchmarkHelper —  Helper type for benchmarks.



pub fn spend_local(
    origin: OriginFor<T>,
    #[pallet::compact] amount: BalanceOf<T, I>,
    beneficiary: AccountIdLookupOf<T>,
) -> DispatchResult

Propose and approve a spend of treasury funds, enables the creation of spends using the native currency of the chain, utilizing the funds stored in the pot.

For record-keeping purposes, the proposer is deemed to be equivalent to the beneficiary.
The behavior and API of the old spend call capable of spending local DOT tokens remain unchanged, and is now under the name spend_local. The revised new spend call is able to spend any asset kind managed by the treasury.


  • origin: OriginFor<T> — Must be [Config::SpendOrigin] with the Success value being at least amount.

  • value: BalanceOf<T, I> — The amount to be transferred from the treasury to the beneficiary.

  • beneficiary: AccountIdLookupOf<T> —  The destination account for the transfer.


  • InsufficientPermission — if the amount to be spent is greater than what the dispatcher of this call is allowed to spend.

  • TooManyApprovals — when MaxApprovals limit is hit, and cannot add a new proposal to the storage.


  • SpendApproved(proposal_index, amount, beneficiary)


pub fn spend(
    origin: OriginFor<T>,
    asset_kind: Box<T::AssetKind>,
    amount: AssetBalanceOf<T, I>,
    beneficiary: Box<<<T as Config<I>>::BeneficiaryLookup as StaticLookup>::Source>,
    valid_from: Option<BlockNumberFor<T>>
) -> DispatchResult

Propose and approve a spend of treasury funds, allows spending any asset kind managed by the treasury.

The behavior and the API of the previous version of this function is kept the same and renamed to spend_local. The new feature valid_from is not added to spend_local for backward compatibility.


  • origin: OriginFor<T> — Must be [Config::SpendOrigin] with the Success value being at least amount.

  • asset_kind: Box<T::AssetKind> — An indicator of the specific asset class to be spent.

  • value: BalanceOf<T, I> — The amount to be transferred from the treasury to the beneficiary.

  • beneficiary: AccountIdLookupOf<T> —  The destination account for the transfer.

  • valid_from: Option<BlockNumberFor<T>> — The block number from which the spend can be claimed. It can refer to the past if the resulting spend has not yet expired according to the [Config::PayoutPeriod]. If None, the spend can be claimed immediately after approval.


  • InsufficientPermission — if the amount to be spent is greater than what the dispatcher of this call is allowed to spend.

  • SpendExpired — if expiration date is older than now.

  • FailedToConvertBalance — when conversion between asset_kind and native currency fails.


  • AssetSpendApproved(index, asset_kind, amount, beneficiary, valid_from, expire_at) — index is the index of the proposal. Rest is self-explanatory.


pub fn remove_approval(
    origin: OriginFor<T>,
    proposal_id: ProposalIndex
) -> DispatchResult

Force a previously approved proposal to be removed from the approval queue.


  • origin: OriginFor<T> — Must be [Config::RejectOrigin].

  • proposal_id: ProposalIndex — The index of a proposal.


  • ProposalNotApproved — The proposal does not exist in the approved proposals queue.


  • AssetSpendApproved(index, asset_kind, amount, beneficiary, valid_from, expire_at) — index is the index of the proposal. Rest is self-explanatory.


pub fn payout(origin: OriginFor<T>, index: SpendIndex) -> DispatchResult

Claims a spend.

Spends must be claimed within some temporal bounds. A spend may be claimed within one [Config::PayoutPeriod] from the valid_from block. In case of a payout failure, the spend status must be updated with the check_status dispatchable before retrying with the current function.


  • origin: OriginFor<T> — Must be signed.

  • index: SpendIndex — The index of the spend.


  • InvalidIndex — The spend could not be found.

  • EarlyPayout — The spend tried to be claimed before it became valid (see valid_from field).

  • SpendExpired — The spend tried to be claimed after it expired.

  • AlreadyAttempted — The same spend tried to be claimed before.

  • PayoutError — An error occurred during the payment, related to Paymaster::pay function.


  • Paid(index, payment_id)


pub fn check_status(
    origin: OriginFor<T>,
    index: SpendIndex
) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo

Check the status of the spend and remove it from the storage if processed.


  • origin: OriginFor<T> — Must be signed.

  • index: SpendIndex — The index of the spend.


  • InvalidIndex — The spend could not be found.

  • NotAttempted — The payout was not attempted.

  • Inconclusive — The spend is still in progress.


  • SpendProcessed(index) — Spend is successfully processed.

  • PaymentFailed(index, payment_id) — The payout was failed, and can be retried again. This error also gives the payment_id info for further investigation.


pub fn void_spend(origin: OriginFor<T>, index: SpendIndex) -> DispatchResult

Void previously approved spend.

A spend void is only possible if the payout has not been attempted yet.

even if the payout is failed, it still counts towards an attempt, and cannot be voided at this point.


  • origin: OriginFor<T> — Must be [Config::RejectOrigin].

  • index: SpendIndex — The index of the spend.


  • InvalidIndex — The spend could not be found.

  • AlreadyAttempted — The same spend tried to be claimed before.


  • AssetSpendVoided(index)

Important Mentions and FAQ’s

You might have come across the below from official documentation or source-code:

  • propose_spend will be removed in February 2024. Use spend instead.

  • reject_proposal will be removed in February 2024. Use spend instead.

  • approve_proposal will be removed in February 2024. Use spend instead.

The new spend dispatchable will not be able to solely propose or approve proposals separately, nor reject them.

After the deprecation update, treasury pallet no longer tracks unapproved proposals, but only approved ones.

The idea is to use the treausry pallet combined with some other pallet which will provide the functionality of tracking unapproved proposals (reject, approve, propose). For Polkadot it’s OpenGov (referenda and conviction voting pallets).