
Unlike Ethereum where accounts are directly derived from a private key, there’s no native account concept on StarkNet.

Instead, signature validation has to be done at the contract level. To relieve smart contract applications such as ERC20 tokens or exchanges from this responsibility, we make use of Account contracts to deal with transaction authentication.

For a general overview of the account abstraction, see StarkWare’s StarkNet Alpha 0.10. A more detailed discussion on the topic can be found in StarkNet Account Abstraction Part 1.


The general workflow is:

  1. Account contract is deployed to StarkNet.

  2. Signed transactions can now be sent to the Account contract which validates and executes them.

In Python, this would look as follows:

from starkware.starknet.testing.starknet import Starknet
from utils import get_contract_class
from signers import MockSigner

signer = MockSigner(123456789987654321)

starknet = await Starknet.empty()

# 1. Deploy Account
account = await starknet.deploy(

# 2. Send transaction through Account
await signer.send_transaction(account, some_contract_address, 'some_function', [some_parameter])

Account entrypoints

Account contracts contain three entry points for all user interactions with any contract.

  1. __validate_declare__ validates the declaration signature prior to the declaration. As of Cairo v0.10.0, contract classes should be declared from an Account contract.

  2. __validate__ verifies the transaction signature before executing the transaction with __execute__.

  3. __execute__ acts as the state-changing entry point for all user interaction with any contract, including managing the account contract itself. That’s why if you want to change the public key controlling the Account, you would send a transaction targeting the very Account contract:

await signer.send_transaction(

Or if you want to update the Account’s L1 address on the AccountRegistry contract, you would

await signer.send_transaction(account, registry.contract_address, 'set_L1_address', [NEW_ADDRESS])

You can read more about how messages are structured and hashed in the Account message scheme discussion. For more information on the design choices and implementation of multicall, you can read the How should Account multicall work discussion.

The __validate__ and __execute__ methods accept the same arguments; however, __execute__ returns a transaction response:

func __validate__(
    call_array_len: felt, call_array: AccountCallArray*, calldata_len: felt, calldata: felt*) {

func __execute__(
    call_array_len: felt, call_array: AccountCallArray*, calldata_len: felt, calldata: felt*
) -> (response_len: felt, response: felt*) {


  • call_array_len is the number of calls.

  • call_array is an array representing each Call.

  • calldata_len is the number of calldata parameters.

  • calldata is an array representing the function parameters.

The scheme of building multicall transactions within the __execute__ method will change once StarkNet allows for pointers in struct arrays. In which case, multiple transactions can be passed to (as opposed to built within) __execute__.

Standard interface

The IAccount.cairo contract interface contains the standard account interface proposed in #41 and adopted by OpenZeppelin and Argent. It implements EIP-1271 and it is agnostic of signature validation. Further, nonce management is handled on the protocol level.

struct Call {
    to: felt,
    selector: felt,
    calldata_len: felt,
    calldata: felt*,

// Tmp struct introduced while we wait for Cairo to support passing `[Call]` to __execute__
struct CallArray {
    to: felt,
    selector: felt,
    data_offset: felt,
    data_len: felt,

namespace IAccount {
    func supportsInterface(interfaceId: felt) -> (success: felt) {

    func isValidSignature(hash: felt, signature_len: felt, signature: felt*) -> (isValid: felt) {

    func __validate__(
        call_array_len: felt, call_array: AccountCallArray*, calldata_len: felt, calldata: felt*
    ) {

    func __validate_declare__(class_hash: felt) {

    func __execute__(
        call_array_len: felt, call_array: AccountCallArray*, calldata_len: felt, calldata: felt*
    ) -> (response_len: felt, response: felt*) {

Keys, signatures and signers

While the interface is agnostic of signature validation schemes, this implementation assumes there’s a public-private key pair controlling the Account. That’s why the constructor function expects a public_key parameter to set it. Since there’s also a setPublicKey() method, accounts can be effectively transferred.

Signature validation

Signature validation occurs separately from execution as of Cairo v0.10. Upon receiving transactions, an account contract first calls __validate__. An account will only execute a transaction if, and only if, the signature proves valid. This decoupling allows for a protocol-level distinction between invalid and reverted transactions. See Account entrypoints.


The signer is responsible for creating a transaction signature with the user’s private key for a given transaction. This implementation utilizes Nile’s Signer class to create transaction signatures through the Signer method sign_transaction.

sign_transaction expects the following parameters per transaction:

  • sender the contract address invoking the tx.

  • calls a list containing a sublist of each call to be sent. Each sublist must consist of:

    1. to the address of the target contract of the message.

    2. selector the function to be called on the target contract.

    3. calldata the parameters for the given selector.

  • nonce an unique identifier of this message to prevent transaction replays.

  • max_fee the maximum fee a user will pay.

Which returns:

  • calldata a list of arguments for each call.

  • sig_r the transaction signature.

  • sig_s the transaction signature.

While the Signer class performs much of the work for a transaction to be sent, it neither manages nonces nor invokes the actual transaction on the Account contract. To simplify Account management, most of this is abstracted away with MockSigner.

MockSigner utility

The MockSigner class in is used to perform transactions on a given Account, crafting the transaction and managing nonces.

The flow of a transaction starts with checking the nonce and converting the to contract address of each call to hexadecimal format. The hexadecimal conversion is necessary because Nile’s Signer converts the address to a base-16 integer (which requires a string argument). Note that directly converting to to a string will ultimately result in an integer exceeding Cairo’s FIELD_PRIME.

The values included in the transaction are passed to the sign_transaction method of Nile’s Signer which creates and returns a signature. Finally, the MockSigner instance invokes the account contract’s __execute__ with the transaction data.

StarkNet’s testing framework does not currently support transaction invocations from account contracts. MockSigner therefore utilizes StarkNet’s API gateway to manually execute the InvokeFunction for testing.

Users only need to interact with the following exposed methods to perform a transaction:

  • send_transaction(account, to, selector_name, calldata, nonce=None, max_fee=0) returns a future of a signed transaction, ready to be sent.

  • send_transactions(account, calls, nonce=None, max_fee=0) returns a future of batched signed transactions, ready to be sent.

To use MockSigner, pass a private key when instantiating the class:

from utils import MockSigner

PRIVATE_KEY = 123456789987654321
signer = MockSigner(PRIVATE_KEY)

Then send single transactions with the send_transaction method.

await signer.send_transaction(account, contract_address, 'method_name', [])

If utilizing multicall, send multiple transactions with the send_transactions method.

await signer.send_transactions(
        (contract_address, 'method_name', [param1, param2]),
        (contract_address, 'another_method', [])

MockEthSigner utility

The MockEthSigner class in is used to perform transactions on a given Account with a secp256k1 curve key pair, crafting the transaction and managing nonces. It differs from the MockSigner implementation by:

  • Not using the public key but its derived address instead (the last 20 bytes of the keccak256 hash of the public key and adding 0x to the beginning).

  • Signing the message with a secp256k1 curve address.

Call and AccountCallArray format

The idea is for all user intent to be encoded into a Call representing a smart contract call. Users can also pack multiple messages into a single transaction (creating a multicall transaction). Cairo currently does not support arrays of structs with pointers which means the __execute__ function cannot properly iterate through multiple Calls. Instead, this implementation utilizes a workaround with the AccountCallArray struct. See Multicall transactions.


A single Call is structured as follows:

struct Call {
    to: felt
    selector: felt
    calldata_len: felt
    calldata: felt*


  • to is the address of the target contract of the message.

  • selector is the selector of the function to be called on the target contract.

  • calldata_len is the number of calldata parameters.

  • calldata is an array representing the function parameters.


AccountCallArray is structured as:

struct AccountCallArray {
    to: felt
    selector: felt
    data_offset: felt
    data_len: felt


  • to is the address of the target contract of the message.

  • selector is the selector of the function to be called on the target contract.

  • data_offset is the starting position of the calldata array that holds the Call's calldata.

  • data_len is the number of calldata elements in the Call.

Multicall transactions

A multicall transaction packs the to, selector, calldata_offset, and calldata_len of each call into the AccountCallArray struct and keeps the cumulative calldata for every call in a separate array. The __execute__ function rebuilds each message by combining the AccountCallArray with its calldata (demarcated by the offset and calldata length specified for that particular call). The rebuilding logic is set in the internal _from_call_array_to_call.

This is the basic flow:

First, the user sends the messages for the transaction through a Signer instantiation which looks like this:

await signer.send_transaction(
    account, [
        (contract_address, 'contract_method', [arg_1]),
        (contract_address, 'another_method', [arg_1, arg_2])

Then the from_call_to_call_array method in Nile’s signer converts each call into the AccountCallArray format and cumulatively stores the calldata of every call into a single array. Next, both arrays (as well as the sender, nonce, and max_fee) are used to create the transaction hash. The Signer then invokes _execute_ with the signature and passes AccountCallArray, calldata, and nonce as arguments.

Finally, the __execute__ method takes the AccountCallArray and calldata and builds an array of Calls (MultiCall).

Every transaction utilizes AccountCallArray. A single Call is treated as a bundle with one message.

API Specification

This in a nutshell is the Account contract public API:

namespace Account {
    func constructor(publicKey: felt) {

    func getPublicKey() -> (publicKey: felt) {

    func supportsInterface(interfaceId: felt) -> (success: felt) {

    func setPublicKey(newPublicKey: felt) {

    func isValidSignature(hash: felt, signature_len: felt, signature: felt*) -> (isValid: felt) {

    func __validate__(
        call_array_len: felt, call_array: AccountCallArray*, calldata_len: felt, calldata: felt*
    ) -> (response_len: felt, response: felt*) {

    func __validate_declare__(
        call_array_len: felt, call_array: AccountCallArray*, calldata_len: felt, calldata: felt*
    ) -> (response_len: felt, response: felt*) {

    func __execute__(
        call_array_len: felt, call_array: AccountCallArray*, calldata_len: felt, calldata: felt*
    ) -> (response_len: felt, response: felt*) {


Initializes and sets the public key for the Account contract.


publicKey: felt

Returns: None.


Returns the public key associated with the Account.

Parameters: None.


publicKey: felt


Returns TRUE if this contract implements the interface defined by interfaceId. Account contracts now implement ERC165 through static support (see Account differentiation with ERC165).


interfaceId: felt


success: felt


Sets the public key that will control this Account. It can be used to rotate keys for security, change them in case of compromised keys or even transferring ownership of the account.


newPublicKey: felt

Returns: None.


This function is inspired by EIP-1271 and returns TRUE if a given signature is valid, otherwise it reverts. In the future it will return FALSE if a given signature is invalid (for more info please check this issue).


hash: felt
signature_len: felt
signature: felt*


isValid: felt
It may return FALSE in the future if a given signature is invalid (follow the discussion on this issue).


Validates the transaction signature and is called prior to __execute__.


call_array_len: felt
call_array: AccountCallArray*
calldata_len: felt
calldata: felt*

Returns: None.


Validates the signature for declaration transactions.


class_hash: felt

Returns: None.


This is the only external entrypoint to interact with the Account contract. It:

  1. Calls the target contract with the intended function selector and calldata parameters.

  2. Forwards the contract call response data as return value.


call_array_len: felt
call_array: AccountCallArray*
calldata_len: felt
calldata: felt*
The current signature scheme expects a 2-element array like [sig_r, sig_s].


response_len: felt
response: felt*


The following contract presets are ready to deploy and can be used as-is for quick prototyping and testing. Each preset differs on the signature type being used by the Account.


The Account preset uses StarkNet keys to validate transactions.

Eth Account

The EthAccount preset supports Ethereum addresses, validating transactions with secp256k1 keys.

Account differentiation with ERC165

Certain contracts like ERC721 require a means to differentiate between account contracts and non-account contracts. For a contract to declare itself as an account, it should implement ERC165 as proposed in #100. To be in compliance with ERC165 specifications, the idea is to calculate the XOR of IAccount's EVM selectors (not StarkNet selectors). The resulting magic value of IAccount is 0x50b70dcb.

Our ERC165 integration on StarkNet is inspired by OpenZeppelin’s Solidity implementation of ERC165Storage which stores the interfaces that the implementing contract supports. In the case of account contracts, querying supportsInterface of an account’s address with the IAccount magic value should return TRUE.

For Account contracts, ERC165 support is static and does not require Account contracts to register.

Extending the Account contract

Account contracts can be extended by following the extensibility pattern.

To implement custom account contracts, it’s required by the StarkNet compiler that they include the three entrypoint functions __validate__, __validate_declare__, and __execute__.

__validate__ and __validate_declare__ should include the same signature validation method; whereas, __execute__ should only handle the actual transaction. Incorporating a new validation scheme necessitates only that it’s invoked by both __validate__ and __validate_declare__.

This is why the Account library comes with different flavors of signature validation methods like is_valid_eth_signature and the vanilla is_valid_signature.

Account contract developers are encouraged to implement the standard Account interface and incorporate the custom logic thereafter.

Due to current inconsistencies between the testing framework and the actual StarkNet network, extreme caution should be used when integrating new Account contracts. Instances have occurred where account functionality tests pass and transactions execute correctly on the local node; yet, they fail on public networks. For this reason, it’s highly encouraged that new account contracts are also deployed and tested on the public testnet. See issue #386 for more information.

Some other validation schemes to look out for in the future:

L1 escape hatch mechanism

Paying for gas