
The following documentation provides context, reasoning, and examples of methods and constants found in openzeppelin/security/.

Expect this module to evolve.


The Initializable library provides a simple mechanism that mimics the functionality of a constructor. More specifically, it enables logic to be performed once and only once which is useful to setup a contract’s initial state when a constructor cannot be used.

The recommended pattern with Initializable is to include a check that the Initializable state is False and invoke initialize in the target function like this:

from import Initializable

func foo{syscall_ptr : felt*, pedersen_ptr : HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}() {
    let (initialized) = Initializable.initialized();
    assert initialized = FALSE;

    return ();
This Initializable pattern should only be used on one function.


The Pausable library allows contracts to implement an emergency stop mechanism. This can be useful for scenarios such as preventing trades until the end of an evaluation period or having an emergency switch to freeze all transactions in the event of a large bug.

To use the Pausable library, the contract should include pause and unpause functions (which should be protected). For methods that should be available only when not paused, insert assert_not_paused. For methods that should be available only when paused, insert assert_paused. For example:

from import Pausable

func whenNotPaused{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}() {

    // function body

    return ();

func whenPaused{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}() {

    // function body

    return ();
pause and unpause already include these assertions. In other words, pause cannot be invoked when already paused and vice versa.

For a list of full implementations utilizing the Pausable library, see:

Reentrancy Guard

A reentrancy attack occurs when the caller is able to obtain more resources than allowed by recursively calling a target’s function.

Since Cairo does not support modifiers like Solidity, the reentrancy guard library exposes two methods start and end to protect functions against reentrancy attacks. The protected function must call ReentrancyGuard.start before the first function statement, and ReentrancyGuard.end before the return statement, as shown below:

from import ReentrancyGuard

func test_function{syscall_ptr : felt*, pedersen_ptr : HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}() {

   // function body

   return ();



The SafeUint256 namespace in the SafeMath library offers arithmetic for unsigned 256-bit integers (uint256) by leveraging Cairo’s Uint256 library and integrating overflow checks. Some of Cairo’s Uint256 functions do not revert upon overflows. For instance, uint256_add will return a bit carry when the sum exceeds 256 bits. This library includes an additional assertion ensuring values do not overflow.

Using SafeUint256 methods is rather straightforward. Simply import SafeUint256 and insert the arithmetic method like this:

from import SafeUint256

func add_two_uints{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}(
    a: Uint256, b: Uint256) -> (c: Uint256) {
    let (c: Uint256) = SafeUint256.add(a, b);
    return (c);