Testing Solidity Smart Contracts with Zombienet

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to deploy your parachain using Zombienet, and test the functionalities of your parachain.

Below are the main steps of this demo: . Deploy our parachain against the locally simulated Paseo testnet by Zombienet. . Deploy a Solidity smart contract on our parachain. . Successfully invoke the Solidity smart contract deployed on our parachain.

Step 1: Deploy The Parachain

  1. git clone https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/polkadot-runtime-templates

  2. move to evm template directory

    cd evm-template
  3. replace the content of zombinet-config/devnet.toml with:

    chain = "paseo-local"
    default_command = "./bin-v1.6.0/polkadot"
    name = "alice"
    validator = true
    name = "bob"
    validator = true
    scheduling_lookahead = 2
    max_candidate_depth = 3
    allowed_ancestry_len = 2
  4. build the zombienet:

    ./scripts/zombienet.sh build
    if you came across this error (click to expand):
    error[E0635]: unknown feature `stdsimd`
        --> /Users/ozgunozerk/.cargo/registry/src/index.crates.io-6f17d22bba15001f/ahash-0.7.6/src/lib.rs:33:42
    33 | #![cfg_attr(feature = "stdsimd", feature(stdsimd))]

    Cd into the polkadot-sdk directory (the path should be visible on the error message), and run the below command to update ahash:

    cargo update -p [email protected]
    or if you came across this error (click to expand):
    assertion failed [block != nullptr]: BasicBlock requested for unrecognized address

    just re-run 🙂

  5. run the zombinet:

    ./scripts/zombienet.sh devnet
  6. build it with async-backing feature:

    cargo build --release --features="async-backing"
  7. copy the Direct Link from Alice’s tab from Zombienet TUI:

    Alice Direct Link
  8. Open the link with Chrome: PolkadotJS. As of 2024 July, it doesn’t work on Safari and Brave, and it is buggy on Firefox.

  9. Reserve a ParaId on Zombienet:

    1. Go to Network > Parachains

    2. Go to Parathreads tab

    3. Click the + ParaId button

    4. Save a parachain id for the further usage.

    5. Click Submit and Sign and Submit (you can use Alice as the account).

  10. Preparing necessary files to become a Parachain:

    1. Generate a plain chainspec:

      ./target/release/evm-template-node build-spec --disable-default-bootnode > plain-parachain-chainspec.json
    2. Edit the chainspec:

      1. Update name, id and protocolId to unique values (optional).

      2. Change para_id and parachainInfo.parachainId from 1000 to the previously saved parachain id (probably 2000 if that’s your first time ;) ).

      3. Edit the evmChainId.chainId to the value of your choice. Try to select a value that has no existing EVM chain assigned to it (should be ok to leave as is for the most cases).

    3. Generate a raw chainspec:

      ./target/release/evm-template-node build-spec --chain plain-parachain-chainspec.json --disable-default-bootnode --raw > raw-parachain-chainspec.json
    4. Generate the genesis state:

      ./target/release/evm-template-node export-genesis-state --chain raw-parachain-chainspec.json > genesis-state
    5. Generate the validation code:

      ./target/release/evm-template-node export-genesis-wasm --chain raw-parachain-chainspec.json > genesis-wasm
  11. Registering the Parachain:

    1. Go back to polkadot.js.org/apps (remember Chrome). Go to Developer/Sudo.

    2. select pasasSudoWrapper and sudoScheduleParaInitialize(id, genesis)

    3. enter the reserved id (2000) to id field

    4. enable file upload for both genesisHead and validationCode → because we will upload files for these.

    5. select Yes for paraKind → meaning when we register our parachain, it will be a parachain rather than a parathread.

    6. drag&drop your genesis-state file generated in step 10.d into genesisHead field (good luck with the aiming)

    7. drag&drop your genesis-wasm file generated in 10.e into validationCode field

    8. It should look like below:

      Register Parachain
    9. Submit Sudo!

  12. copy the path to chain-spec from zombienet terminal from Bob (beware, this file is changing every time you spin up a new zombienet):

    Zombie Chain Spec
  13. run the node, and provide the chain-spec you copied from the last step into --chain part:

    • be sure to clear your storage if you were running a node before

      ./target/release/evm-template-node \
          --alice \
          --collator \
          --force-authoring \
          --chain raw-parachain-chainspec.json \
          --base-path storage/alice \
          --port 40333 \
          --rpc-port 8844 \
          -- \
          --execution wasm \
          --chain /var/folders/...{redacted}.../paseo-local.json \
          --port 30343 \
          --rpc-port 9977
  14. your node should be running without any problem, and should see block production in your node terminal!

    Node Success

Step 2: Deploy a Solidity Smart Contract

  1. Install Foundry with: curl -L [https://foundry.paradigm.xyz](https://foundry.paradigm.xyz/) | bash

  2. have a smart contract file ready, any smart contract of your choice! We will go with a cute HelloWorld.sol smart contract for this tutorial:

    // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
    contract HelloWorld {
        string public greeting = "Hello, World!";
        function getGreeting() public view returns (string memory) {
            return greeting;
  3. Create a new javascript project with the below files:

    1. package.json:

          "name": "ts-wallet",
          "version": "1.0.0",
          "description": "",
          "main": "index.js",
          "type": "module",
          "scripts": {
          "exec": "node index.js",
          "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
          "author": "",
          "license": "ISC",
          "dependencies": {
          "web3": "^4.8.0"
    2. sanity_check.js:

      import { Web3 } from "web3";
      const web3 = new Web3("ws://");
      // this is the address of `Alith` in our chainspec
      let raw = await web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction({
          gas: 21000,
          gasPrice: 10000000000,
          from: "0xf24FF3a9CF04c71Dbc94D0b566f7A27B94566cac", // Alith's address
          to: "0x7c98a1801f0B28dF559bCd828fc67Bd6ab558074", // Baltathar's address
          value: '100000000000000000'
      }, "0x5fb92d6e98884f76de468fa3f6278f8807c48bebc13595d45af5bdc4da702133"); // Alith's private key
      let res = await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(raw.rawTransaction);
      console.log("Transaction details:");
    3. invoke_smart_contract.js:

      import { Web3 } from "web3";
      import { MyAbi } from "./abi.js";
      const web3 = new Web3("ws://");
      let contract = new web3.eth.Contract(MyAbi, "0x4045F03B68919da2c440F023Fd7cE2982BfD3C03");
      let s = await contract.methods.getGreeting().call();
    4. abi.js:

      export var MyAbi = [
              "type": "function",
              "name": "getGreeting",
              "inputs": [],
              "outputs": [
                      "name": "",
                      "type": "string",
                      "internalType": "string"
              "stateMutability": "view"
              "type": "function",
              "name": "greeting",
              "inputs": [],
              "outputs": [
                      "name": "",
                      "type": "string",
                      "internalType": "string"
              "stateMutability": "view"
  4. run the below command, and you should see the balance, and then the transaction details printed, proving everything works so far!

    node sanity_check.js
  5. open a terminal instance where the current directory has the HelloWorld.sol file, and run the below command to deploy the contract with Alith’s private key:

    forge create --rpc-url http://localhost:9933 --private-key 0x5fb92d6e98884f76de468fa3f6278f8807c48bebc13595d45af5bdc4da702133 HelloWorld.sol:HelloWorld
    • don’t forget to copy the address this contract deployed to (shown in the output of the command)!

Step 3: Invoke The Solidity Smart Contract

  1. replace the contract address in invoke_smart_contract.js with the address you copied!

  2. build the abi of the smart contract with:

    forge build --silent && jq '.abi' ./out/HelloWorld.sol/HelloWorld.json
  3. Surprise! We already give you the abi of this in abi.js file in step 3. If you used another contract than HelloWorld, replace that abi.js file’s content with your contracts abi.

  4. run the below command, and you should see your smart contract in action:

    node invoke_smart_contract.js